File No. 701.6311/289a
The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador ( Spring Rice)
Excellency: I have the honor to enclose herewith a copy of a note from the Swedish Minister at this Capital, representing Austro-Hungarian [Page 597] interests in the United States,1 in which, with reference to the intended departure of Count Tarnowski and the late Austro-Hungarian Chargé d’Affaires at Washington, Baron Zwiedinek, and the persons of their suite, he requests information on the following points:
- 1.
- Will there be any restrictions as to the personal goods and effects, particularly jewels and other valuables, they carry?
- 2.
- Will there be any restrictions as to money, and, if so, how large an amount may each person carry?
- 3.
- May photographs and personal documents (certificates of birth, diplomas, etc.) be carried?
- 4.
- May official documents (in plain language) be carried?
Referring to the statement orally made by you to the Assistant Secretary of State that your Embassy had been authorized to grant to the Austro-Hungarian diplomatic and consular officers a safe-conduct so worded as to concede freedom to these officers to pass to their destination, but containing no statement which would in any way conflict with the rights of the British Government to search members of the party and their effects, I beg to say that while this Government, of course, is in thorough accord with the British Government’s views in this respect, still, at the same time, in view of the very great courtesy which has been extended by the Austro-Hungarian Government to American diplomatic and consular officers leaving Austria, I venture to express the hope that the Austro-Hungarian party may be permitted to pass with the least possible delay and will be shown every possible consideration.
I shall be very glad to be advised whether your Embassy will issue such instructions as will enable the members of the party to carry a reasonable amount of money and of the other articles mentioned in the Minister’s inquiries.2
I have [etc.]