File No. 763.72/4677
The Minister in Liberia ( Curtis) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10 p.m.]
Bacchante sailed for Sierra Leone last Saturday afternoon. At a gathering [at] Legation of the United States, in connection with cruiser’s presence here, General Receiver, Customs voiced disapproval as to severance relations with Germany by Liberia without something in writing from the governments that advised such step to Liberia respecting the future protection of Liberia against Germany and has requested me in addition thereto to transmit Department the following: “Foreseeing that financial difficulties are practically certain to overtake Liberia as a result method of severance relations, I desire to inform Department that step was taken without my knowledge.” On April 19 I brought fact unofficially to the attention General Receiver that such a step was contemplated by Liberia. Decision from the Government of Liberia pertinent thereto was made known to me April 20.