File No. 862.20235/108
The Ambassador in Argentina ( Stimson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 8.55 p.m.]
Your September 28, 5 p.m.1 My September 25, 10 a.m., was telephoned tome at 8 a.m. by Havas Agency after all-night session House and was all they said. I now have official journal showing [Page 333] attempt to delay vote by President’s spokesman, Oyhanarte; but Radical members split, Lebreton voting with majority of 53, Saguier, probable next Minister for Foreign Affairs, voting with minority of 18, although a strong pro-Ally. Vote was worded, “The House declares that there should immediately be suspension of diplomatic relations between Argentine Government and Imperial German Government.” It is now evident President will make no reply to Congress, as constitutional limit of session is to-night. Strike absorbs his attention.
- Not printed.↩