File No. 763.72/5327

The Minister in Uruguay ( Jeffery) to the Secretary of State


In reply to the note of Brazil advising that the decree of neutrality in the war between United States and Germany had been revoked, the Uruguayan Government in its note of June 12 states that it—

takes pleasure in declaring its sympathy with the ideals mentioned in said communication and reiterates once more its strong desire that the policy of America may, with the collective and real assistance of all its peoples, once and for all and definitely consecrate the fruitful aspirations of continental solidarity. United as the nations of the new world are by eternal ties of democracy and by the identical conception of justice and liberty, the logic of principles and of interests much [must?], in order better to assure the efficacy of the first and the free development of the latter in the face of the happenings which are moving the world at present, necessarily determine a compact [Page 300] union of action, in such manner that any act of violation of recognized universal precepts of international right directed against any one of the countries of America will constitute a grievance against all of them and will provoke them to a reaction in common. Uruguay entertains the hope that the American nations will take a collective resolution in that sense, either in a continental congress or by following some other proceeding, and has confidence that this hope will soon convert itself into an auspicious reality, which may permit America to make an efficacious use of its moral and material force and give it the influence which it has a right to have in the destinies of the world.
