File No. 763.72/3971
The Guatemalan Minister (
Méndez) to
the Secretary of State
April 18, 1917.
Mr. Secretary of State: In a letter dated
the 10th of this month of April and received by me to-day, the
President of Guatemala tells me:
In consequence of the declaration of war on
the Imperial German Government by the United States of
America, my Government, ever true to its long standing
friendship with the American Government and people, among
the series of measures it will order in evidence of the fact
that it will face every responsibility attending its
identifying itself with the principles proclaimed by the
Washington Government, has decreed, as a preliminary and in
order to guard the country against any attempt from abroad,
a suspension of the guarantees in the border departments, in
keeping with paragraph 18, Article 77 of the Constitution.
Thus will an effective watch be kept over every element who
would disturb the peace and who will be prevented from
crossing into the neighboring countries with preconceived
purposes. On the other hand, standing firmly and
consistently with the American nation, as you well know and
as the inclosed memorandum the original of which was
delivered to the most excellent the Minister of the United
States further evidences, I only trust that upon receipt of
this communication you will lay before the Department of
State my intentions as set forth in the said memorandum,
which are incorruptible and sincere, to which end I hope
that the American Government will be pleased to offer to me
all suggestions that it may deem suitable in the matter.
In compliance with the letter of the President of Guatemala, I have
the honor to enclose a copy of the memorandum therein referred to,
and beg the Secretary of State to be so good as to give me the
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requisite indications to
have the action of the Government of my country continue to
demonstrate by practical acts that it has identified itself with the
principles which the enlightened American Government has proclaimed
for the good of mankind and with the applause of the world’s
To that end, I take pleasure in placing myself entirely at your
excellency’s disposal to report to the President and Government of
Guatemala all that may contribute to continuing in Guatemala the
realization of the expression of the fervent wish by which the
country is animated to adhere to and uphold the lofty and noble
attitude of the American Government.
I avail myself [etc.]
Guatemalan Minister of Foreign Affairs
Toledo Herrarte) to the American Minister (
The Government of Guatemala, faithful to its traditional and
unalterable friendship with the Government of the United States
of America and convinced, moreover, that it defends the cause of
justice and right, declares: that it is disposed to cooperate
with the American Government and people in the most loyal and
unrestricted manner, to the successful ending of the war which
has been brought on them by the conduct of the Imperial German
In consequence of the above principle it has already decreed,
under date of the 7th instant, the suspension of guaranties in
those departments of the Republic bordering on neighboring
states, which will enable it to exercise complete control and
strict vigilance over all foreigners who may endeavor to subvert
order or to cross over into contiguous countries with suspicious
Furthermore, the Government of Guatemala is ready to sever its
diplomatic relations with the Imperial German Government and to
do everything which may be considered necessary for the triumph
of the American arms. In all those measures or dispositions
which the American Government may deem conducive to the success
of the above purpose, it will be aided by the Government of
Guatemala with the greatest promptitude, energy, and
The Government of the United States can readily understand that
the Government of Guatemala in taking this attitude not only
brings upon itself the hatred and ill will of the German element
residing in this Republic, an element which, with hostile
purposes, is working in Mexico and in the neighboring
Central-American nations, but exposes itself to the attacks of
the above-mentioned countries, who
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have been awaiting a favorable opportunity
to disturb the present state of affairs in Guatemala and thus
cause her ruin and loss of prestige.
Therefore, the Government of Guatemala, in order to safeguard the
sacred interests entrusted to it and to be able to take upon
itself before the nation and before history the great
responsibilities which the present situation entails, proposes
to the American Government the conclusion of a pact of alliance
which could be offensive and defensive, or only defensive, and
which in the present circumstances could be brought about by a
simple exchange of notes of mutual assurance between diplomatic
representatives duly authorized to that effect.
April 8,