File No. 862.20212/70
The Ambassador in Mexico ( Fletcher) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 27, 5 a.m.]
9. Your telegram 10, February 26, 11 a.m. General Carranza is in Jalisco. I called upon Minister for Foreign Affairs this evening and read to him the substance of the German note. He said that he had no knowledge of any representations of the character referred to and that if such representations were made they must have been made directly to Carranza; that the German Minister had several times recently asked him when Carranza would return to the city. Minister for Foreign Affairs went directly to the telegraph office to confer with Carranza. At the Minister’s urgent request I gave him a synopsis of German note in Spanish to be used in his telegraphic conference with Carranza. I also suggest going to see General Carranza if deemed desirable. Will report further developments as soon as possible.