File No. 816.032/19
This is what happened with the sister Republic of Nicaragua.
Salvador, in view of the negotiations made by the Nicaraguan
Government with the United States in concluding the Bryan-Chamorro
Treaty, with which we are all acquainted, raised a voice of protest
because it considered that its rights had been injured and its
security and sovereignty threatened, and for this purpose a note of
protest was sent to the Nicaraguan Government through two Cabinet
Similarly, my Government being ever jealous of the high mission with
which it is entrusted, namely, that of looking after the interests
of the Nation and being desirous of defending its injured rights,
filed a formal suit against the Nicaraguan Government before the
Court of Central American Justice through Mr. Gregorio Martin, our
diplomatic representative in Costa Rica, this suit being amplified
later on according to instructions given to said official.
Recently, under date of November 20, Mr. Alonso Reyes Guerra was
appointed attorney for Salvador before said Court in order to appear
in this matter, which is of such transcendent importance because it
involves the vindication of the rights which we claim.
As eloquently testified to by the history of our country, Salvador
has at all times contributed toward defending the integrity of
Central America whenever an attempt was made to occupy the coastal
waters thereof for the purpose of establishing naval bases of
powerful nations and this very Gulf of Fonseca is a witness of the
consistency with which the most patriotic Salvadoran Governments of
the past century endeavored to save its waters from British
It would therefore have betrayed the national spirit and traditions
this time if it had looked with indifference upon the alienation of
this maritime domain, which is the common patrimony of the three
Central American nations that have peacefully possessed it from time
The bonds of friendship which unite us with the Republic of North
America have remained inalterable, whereby one of the points of my
Government’s program has been fulfilled, that is, the constant
maintenance of a spirit of the most frank international
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To this end I take satisfaction in noting that Mr. Rafael Zaldívar,
our Minister at Washington, is faithfully performing the delicate
duties of his important mission with tact and ability, having
contributed toward the successful bringing together of the two
countries, which effort is being seconded here with so much skill by
his excellency Mr. Boaz Long in his exalted capacity as Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the great and
prosperous North American Nation.