143. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant (Cater) to President Johnson1
Attached is a letter from Under Secretary Katzenbach which reports today’s review meeting with Gardner and Helms and includes a revised page 42 which resulted from that meeting. Katzenbach says that Helms “assures me that he can go along with the report without complaint.”
The revision on page 4 simply makes it clear that termination of covert support to certain private organizations such as Radio Free Europe may not be entirely completed by December 31, 1967.
If you are satisfied with Katzenbach’s letter, we can issue the report on Tuesday afternoon.3 Ramsey Clark has reviewed the report and finds no problems. Katzenbach suggests that it would be useful for him to conduct a background briefing at Christian’s press conference.
The following Members of Congress have agreed to serve on the new committee:
Carl Hayden
William Fulbright
George Mahon
Mendel Rivers
Frank Bow
Thomas Morgan
Milton Young
Katzenbach believes Russell will serve if you call him personally.
Rusk says he is willing to serve as Chairman, but believes that it would be better to have Herman Wells as Chairman. In addition to Rusk, Gardner and Schultze will represent the Executive Branch. You may wish to indicate, not for publication, that McPherson and I can serve as White House liaison for the committee.
For nongovernment membership we suggest the following:
Herman Wells, former Chancellor, University of Indiana
William Marvel, President, Education and World Affairs
Dr. Frank Rose, President, University of Alabama
James A. Linen, President, TIME, Inc.
James Perkins, President, Cornell University
If you approve the Katzenbach report, the attached draft statement to the press,4 and the proposed membership for the committee, Christian can make arrangements for a briefing.
Approve_______ Rusk serve as Chairman_______
Disapprove_______ Herman Wells serve as Chairman _______
See me _______5
- Source: Johnson Library, White House Central Files, Confidential File, Oversized Attachments, Box 192 [2 of 2], C.F. Oversize Attachments: 12/2/68, Packet 2 [Cater 2/67–10/67 material re U.S. Government and Private Voluntary Organizations, Committee on Voluntary Overseas Activity (COVA), also the Rusk Committee]. No classification marking. Cater sent the memorandum to Johnson under a March 28 note, in which Cater stated that he had “held up sending in this new report from Katzenbach until I could talk to Helms this morning. He tells me that it is ‘properly descriptive of my attitude.’ He says that the report is the best consensus that the three of them [Helms, Katzenbach, and Gardner] could reach.” Cater also indicated that Helms urged that the President consider Milton Katz, Professor of International Law at Harvard University, for the follow-up committee as “the most knowledgeable man he [Helms] knows about the overseas aspects of these activities by non-government organizations.” Cater added that Gardner also believed that Katz “would be a strong man on the committee.” Although a line on this note written in an unknown hand reads “Put on President’s Desk” there is no indication that Johnson saw it. Attached to both the memorandum and the note is a handwritten note from Roberts to Cater, in which she wrote: “any need for this to stay on Pres’s desk?”↩
- Attached but not printed is the revised version of page 4 from the March 24 draft of the Katzenbach Report.↩
- March 28.↩
- Not printed.↩
- The President did not check any of these options.↩
- Eyes only. Copies were sent to Gardner and Helms.↩
- A copy of the report dated March 24 is in the Johnson Library, White House Central Files, Confidential File, Oversized Attachments, Box 193 [2 of 2], C.F. Oversize Attachments: 12/2/68, Packet 4 [Cater 2/67–10/67 material re U.S. Government and Private Voluntary Organizations, Committee on Voluntary Overseas Activity (COVA), also the Rusk Committee]. The final version of the report was released on March 29; see footnote 3, Document 144.↩
- See Document 142.↩