37. Letter From J.F. Abbott of the Military Intelligence Division, Department of War General Staff to the Director of the Division of Films, Committee on Public Information (Beeman)1

Dear Sir:

I take pleasure in transmitting herewith the Japanese version of the titles for “America’s Answer”,2 which has been delayed owing to my “leave” intervening. I have taken the liberty of altering the text in the following particulars:

  • 1. The second person has been altered in every case to the impersonal statement.
  • 2. #3 has been rendered much as in the original. I have doubts however as to whether the allusion to tyrants and tyranny will pass the Japanese censor. If the whole title were out it would not make a great deal of difference.
  • 3. #5 “Your Leader” I assume is President Wilson and the translation reads “President Wilson, Commander in Chief of the American Forces on Land and Sea.”
  • 4. #17—omitted—to anticipate the Japanese censor who will not permit any allusion to “liberty” on a film. (This is of my personal knowledge.)
  • 5. #42 Reference to “democracy” omitted for same reason.
  • 6. #47 Reference to Kaiser’s sons omitted as unintelligible to Japanese audience and likely to be misunderstood.
  • 7. #67 Approximately translated “Some collection of hats!” The Jap wouldn’t understand hat-checking.
  • 8. #79, Reduced to prosaic statement.
  • 9. #92 Translated “Digging for Independence”—not very good but the word ‘democracy’ is absolutely banned.
  • 10. #100 Not remembering whether the “couriers” are birds or men—translated merely “a narrow escape.”
  • 11. #135 Allusion to “Over there” omitted.

I suggest that you have the titles set up in the size of type desired, by one of the Japanese papers in New York, (Japanese-Amer. Commercial Weekly), and the proof sent to me. It will expedite matters if you attach my section designation (M.I.2.) to my address.

Very sincerely,

J.F. Abbott3

Captain U.S.A.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 63, Entry 105, Director’s Office of the Foreign Section, General Correspondence, Box 13, Military Intelligence, Sept 18–Feb 19. No classification marking. In an October 4 letter, Byoir thanked Abbott for his suggestions. (Ibid.)
  2. For America’s Answer, see the Online Supplement, Appendix A.5.
  3. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.