File No. 763.72112/1742
The Minister in Denmark (Egan) to the Secretary of State 2
[Received October 17, 9 a. m.]
177. Referring to the Department’s No. 43, 13th.3 The director of the Scandinavian American Line, just returned from London, confidentially informs me that the intention of the British Government was to stop all packers’ goods in Great Britain. They therefore intimated that the Scandinavian American Line ought to avoid taking packers’ goods in order to get their ships through. The director, however, refused to act upon this advice, partly because Scandinavia wants packers’ goods, special laws being made to facilitate importation into Denmark, and partly because he had no right to stop any kind of bona fide goods unless the British Government would openly declare that under no circumstances would it pass. This, however, they objected to do, and company finally decided that booking of packers’ goods should be brought to the attention of the British Government in London before shipping took place, that such goods which British authorities declare would come under, seizure in Great Britain should not be taken on board.
Circumstances in British ports are such that removing of part cargo for prize court involves a stay of from one to two months, so that running of regular lines with passengers and mails becomes impossible when there is a risk of the ship’s being detained for discharging of the seized goods.