File No. 763.72114/985
The Ambassador in Russia (Marye) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 26, 8.45 a. m.]
360. Department’s 625 and 626, 13th.2 Foreign Office states it must maintain position. American Red Cross units can be allowed only to distribute material aid to prisoners in Russia and not perform medical and nursing services for reasons stated Embassy’s 334, October 28. Russian Government would regret if this decision should cause recall American Red Cross units in Russia and Germany. Foreign Office states that it assumed from President’s letter to Emperor that units in Germany and in Russia would be supported by American Red Cross funds and now learns support of unit in Russia comes chiefly from Germany. Russian Government has already spent large sums for her prisoners in Germany and has therefore decided not to subscribe funds for support of American Red Cross now operating in Germany, especially as medical department there seems to be only one more or less satisfactory in its treatment of prisoners. Russian Government hopes its decision will not be considered due to unwillingness to avail itself services American Red Cross which it values highly. In view of above think it would be unwise and useless to press Caldwell request.
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