File No. 763.72111Ei9/13
The British Embassy to the Department of State
Information which, though it appears authentic, the British Embassy is not in a position to verify, has reached it, to the effect that the German ship Prinz Eitel now known as the Luchs has been cleaned and provided with an antifouling covering for her bottom with the result that she has probably added several knots to her speed.
It is also stated (with what truth this Embassy can not give official assurance) that the state of the Prinz Eitel’s machinery was at the time of her arrival such as to enable her to maintain the sea, and that she had no important engine-room defects beyond ordinary wear and tear. She has nevertheless stayed twelve days in port, and in the event of her going to sea, she will do so with her fighting efficiency materially increased.
The State Department has no doubt had under consideration the principles embodied in Article 17 of the Hague convention of 1907 concerning the rights and duties of neutrals in naval war as well as the full and authentic statement as to whether or no the Prinz Eitel is only carrying out such repairs as are absolutely necessary to render her seaworthy, and has not added in any manner whatsoever to her fighting force. The British Embassy has no doubt that the United States authorities have decided what repairs are necessary with the above object and will order that they be carried out with the least possible delay.
With a view to the future guidance of His Majesty’s Government the British Embassy has the honour to request that full details as to the steps taken in this matter will in due course be communicated for the Embassy’s information.