File No. 150.07/37

The British Ambassador (Spring Rice) to the Secretary of State

No 334]

Sir: With reference to Article 6 of the Hague convention respecting the rights and duties of neutral powers ratified by the President [Page 567] February 23, 1909, I have the honour to inform you that certain British Army reservists in Canada, who cannot proceed to England direct owing to the irregularity of the present Canadian service, are anxious to pass through United States territory in order to fulfil their military duties and that the United States immigration agents at Montreal have refused permission to a number of such persons.

I have the honour to request that, should there be no objection, the proper authorities may be instructed to allow such persons to cross the United States frontier in order to embark for Great Britain at a United States port. I understand that no objection has been raised to reservists of other nationalities crossing United States territory for a similar purpose.

I have [etc.]

Cecil Spring Rice