File No. 840.48/410

The Ambassador in Germany (Gerard) to the Secretary of State


With reference to your telegram of August 15, 5 [3] p.m.,1 the Imperial German Government will recognize as neutralized within the meaning of Article 4 of the eleventh Hague convention of 1907 ships chartered during the present war by the United States for the purpose of repatriation of Americans, provided the other belligerent powers under the guaranty of the American Government also agree to such recognition. The German Government would furthermore insist on the following conditions:

(1) The consent of the German Government shall be required in order that German ships may be thus neutralized; (2) the neutrality of the ships shall extend over the period of their outward and return voyage and shall be extinguished the moment the ships reach the port of original departure; and (3) each ship shall carry an American naval or civilian officer duly accredited who shall guarantee that the ship is used exclusively for the philanthropic purpose in question.

  1. Ante, p. 479