The Consul General at London (Skinner) to the Secretary of State


Sir: I have the honor to enclose herewith a full copy of a circular which I have received from the Admiralty in regard to the navigation of the North Sea and English Channel. . . .

I have [etc.]

Robert P. Skinner


Navigation in the North Sea and English Channel

It is requested that shipowners on receiving these instructions will use their utmost endeavour to communicate them as confidentially as possible to the masters of their vessels, impressing upon them the necessity for preventing the information from reaching the enemy. These instructions should not be allowed to come into the hands of any persons who are not directly affected by them.

The previous notice on navigation in the North Sea (dated the 14th October, 1914) is cancelled.

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a. general instructions

1. local naval or military authorities may, at any time when they consider it necessary, close a port during certain hours without previous warning.

2. Attention is called to the notice on the inside cover of all Admiralty Sailing Directions and their supplements, and to the following Admiralty Notices to Mariners of 1914:

  • No. 1 of 1st January.
  • No. 1528 of 14th September, Thames Approaches.
  • No. 1690 of 28th October, River Thames.
  • No. 1706 of 3d November, Mined Areas.
  • No. 1727 of 7th November, River Mersey.
  • No. 1730 of 10th November, Orkney Islands.
  • No. 1752 of 16th November, East Coast Ports.

In the Notice to Mariners, No. 1752 of 16th November, the position of the pilotage station for the River Humber to be established by the 27th November should read “7 miles ESE. (magnetic) from Spurn Point.”

3. All lights may be extinguished and other aids to navigation removed or altered at any time without previous warning.

b. mines

4. So far as is known at present there are, in addition to the minefields mentioned in Admiralty Notice to Mariners, No. 1752 of 1914, the following principal mined areas:

Off the Tyne.
Off Flamborough Head.
Off Southwold (southern limit 51° 54’ N.)
British minefield within latitude 51° 15’ N. and 51° 40’ N., longitude 1° 35’ E. and 3° E.

c. special information as to english channel and downs

5. On and after the 10th December lights, buoys, and fog signals in the English Channel and the Downs eastward of a line joining Selsey Bill and Cape Barfleur and south of the parallel 51° 20’ N., will be liable to extinction or alteration without further notice.

Trinity House pilot stations will be established as follows by the 10th December:

St. Helens, Isle of Wight: Where ships proceeding up Channel can obtain pilots capable of piloting as far as Great Yarmouth.

Great Yarmouth: Where ships from the North Sea bound for the English Channel or intermediate ports can obtain pilots capable of piloting as far as the Isle of Wight.

Dover: Where ships from French Channel ports, but no other, can obtain pilots for the North Sea.

The Sunk Light Vessel: Where ships crossing the North Sea between the parallels 51° 40’ N. and 51° 54’ N., but no others, can obtain pilots for the English Channel. Pilots also can be obtained at London for the Channel and the North Sea.

6. Both before and after the above date (10th December, 1914) all vessels entering the North Sea from the Channel, or vice versa, must pass through the Downs, where they will be given directions as to their route.

d. passages—general

7. On and after 10th December, 1914, vessels proceeding up or down Channel eastward of the Isle of Wight are very strongly advised to take pilots, as navigation will be exceedingly dangerous without their aid (see paragraph 5).

8. Vessels proceeding up or down the east coast should keep within 3 miles of the coast when consistent with safe navigation. The only exception to this is when passing the mouth of the Tyne. Here all vessels should pass not less than 4 miles but not more than 8 miles from the coast between Sunderland and Blyth. Vessels bound to the Tyne must take a pilot off one of the above ports, as stated in Admiralty Notice to Mariners, No. 1752 of 1914.

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e. particular, passages

(Note: In each case return voyages should be made on same routes.)

9. East coast ports to French ports: See paragraphs 5, 6, and 8.

10. East coast ports to Dutch ports: Proceed as directed in paragraphs 5 and 8. Leave the English coast between the parallels of 51° 40’ N. and 51° 54’ N.; proceed between those parallels as far as longitude 3° E., shape course thence to destination. Vessels using this route (which passes between the British and German mine fields) must clearly understand that they do so entirely at their own risk.

11. East coast ports to Scandinavian or Danish ports: Proceed as directed in paragraphs 5 and 8 as far as Farn Island; then steer for the vicinity of Lindesnæs, and thence to destination, keeping in territorial waters.

12. From Atlantic and Irish ports or ports on the south or west coasts of Great Britain to Scandinavian or Danish ports: Proceed via English Channel, being guided by paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 8, and 11.

13. Sailing vessels bound to Scandinavian or Danish ports: Pass to westward of Ireland and of St. Kilda. Then make the Faroe Islands, and proceed from thence to destination, keeping 50 miles to the north of the Shetland Islands.

14. All vessels bound from east coast ports to west coast ports in the United Kingdom, and vice versa, must pass through the English Channel, and not round the north of Scotland.

Admiralty War Staff,
Trade Division,