File No. 763.72/1279

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State


1194. Your 628 November 27 and 667, [December] 2. British Government replies that military exigencies prevent their notifying Government of United States as to where mines are planted. On November 21 they issued a notification as follows:

River Tyne, all incoming vessels from the northward must call for a pilot off Blyth and those from the southward off the River Wear; outgoing vessels are to discharge their pilots off one or the other of these places. Firth of Forth, all incoming vessels must call for a pilot at a station to be established on the Isle of May; outgoing vessels are to discharge their pilots at the same station. It will be dangerous for any vessel to be under way to the westward of the Isle of May without a pilot.

They state that if these instructions are carried out commerce can utilize these ports with safety.

American Ambassador