File No. 611.419/48a
The Secretary of State to this Ambassador in Great Britain (Page)
Washington, November 12, 1914, 5 p.m.
526. American interests deeply concerned and gravity of situation such in regard to the embargoes on rubber and hides, Department feels this should be brought to the attention of the British Government. It would seem not to the commercial or other interests of Great Britain to pursue a policy which would cripple American manufacturers and depress British interests in the colonies. If American manufacturers are not to obtain necessary supplies, prices of American goods which British may desire will be greatly increased, if, indeed, the exportations from this country be not ultimately prevented.
Present this view to the British authorities and press for definite statement of course to be pursued by British Government respecting American supply of rubber and hides from British territory. Department will consider reasonable arrangement by American exporters to secure against reexportation from United States to enemy countries of British Government. Department earnestly hopes that permits will be allowed for all excess over needs in Great Britain.