File No. 763.72/60

The Chargé d’Affaires in Russia (Wilson) to the Secretary of State


Referring to the Embassy’s telegram of August 1, 3 p.m.1 In reply to inquiries Foreign Office expects to have route Finland to Stockholm open in a few days, thus permitting foreigners and Americans to leave Russia. However, actual beginning of war may prevent this and Americans may be held indefinitely. Am registering all Americans so that they can be quickly notified if Embassy finds means to send them away. In the meantime they are entirely safe, as most perfect order reigns throughout whole country.

Hear that consuls cannot send telegrams abroad and have instructed them to report daily to the Embassy which will forward reports.

Mobilization going on with greatest enthusiasm and good order. Private horses, vehicles and motors being requisitioned. On account of mass of telegrams and doubt as to routes communicating to and from Embassy liable to delay.

  1. Ante, p. 27.