File. No. 611.511 9/2a

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Herrick)


220. American firms inform Department France embargoes chrome ore from New Caledonia except to France and Allies. Chrome ore used in leather tanning, cotton printing, paints, batteries, electrical apparatus, special automobile steel products, hearth furnace linings as well as for ferrochrome. Output in New Caledonia sufficient for war purposes of Allies and industries in United States. Harbison-Walker Refractories Company, Pittsburgh, request permission for exportation of chrome ore from New Caledonia, through Chalks and Sons, Finsbury Pavement, London, E. C., England, to be used exclusively for refractories in United States. Natural Products Refining Company, Jersey City, for manufacture of bichromates used in dyes, colors, and tanning. E. J. Laving and Company, Philadelphia, representing the Chrome Company, London, owners Thiebaghi Mines, New Caledonia, for same uses and electric batteries. Inform Foreign Office, discreetly ascertain views. Cable.

Robert Lansing