File No. 763.72112/284

The British Ambassador (Spring Rice) to the Secretary of State


Great difficulties are experienced in obtaining answers from the Danish Government as to the destination of shipments. As the quantities of American shipments to Denmark are daily increasing (to which fact the statements published in the press bear witness) and these shipments are to a large extent articles which would be useful to the German Army and Navy and as according to evidence collected on the spot, shipments to Denmark are in many cases at once forwarded to Germany and especially to the naval stations, the matter is one which requires the serious attention of the British Government.

Enclosed is copy of a telegram recently sent to Copenhagen.

P. S. Satisfactory assurances having now been received from the Danish Government as to the destination of cargoes, the Platuria and the Christian Knudsen have been released.


The British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Grey) to the British Minister in Denmark (Lowther)

It is essential to have immediate answer respecting Platuria and Knudsen as I am receiving constant and urgent complaints from United States Government against delay in dealing with these ships. If you cannot obtain desired guarantees report exactly how the case stands.

[File copy not signed]