File No. 763.72112/140

The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey (by William H. Libby) to the Secretary of State

Sir: On behalf of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey I have the honor to submit the following:

So far as we are aware, petroleum and its products were not specifically referred to in the London declaration, nor have they been specifically referred to in the contraband declarations of the belligerents.

In the conditional contraband schedules of said London declaration, and of said belligerent declarations, appears the following clause: “Fuel—Lubricants.”

It is of great concern to the American petroleum industry to ascertain just what petroleum products could be or should be included under this fuel classification.

We especially contend that the ordinary illuminating oil of commerce, consigned to industrial concerns the world over for daily retail distribution, is not contraband. The mere fact that it is (naturally) susceptible of ignition should not outweigh the fact that utilization as fuel is not, and never has been, its natural and normal mission.

Although it will burn and create heat, its use as “fuel” for any warlike purpose would be abnormal and unnatural. It has, in fact, never been known or designated as fuel in the commercial circles of the world; and its normal use in lamps and in stoves for domestic heating and cooking should not be interdicted via belligerent proclamation.

The export commerce of petroleum, and its products, is sustaining many penalties traceable to the war, and would continue to be seriously restricted, even with illuminating oil immune from contraband classification.

The annual exports of illuminating oil for 1913 were about 1,100,000,000 gallons. Any serious interruption of this commerce would be a great injury to myriads of foreign consumers, as well as to American producers, manufacturers, and exporters of petroleum.

We would highly appreciate the favor of some intimation as to what extent the Government would support our contentions, viz, that the ordinary illuminating oil of commerce, marketed through old-established, world-wide channels, is distinctly exempt from contraband classification.

I have [etc.]

Wm. H. Libby