File No. 702.4167/15

The Ambassador in Turkey (Morgenthau) to the Secretary of State


My 155. Italian Ambassador and I called together at the Sublime Porte to-day; thereupon Italian Ambassador was handed telegram, as now there is no telegraphic communication with Hodeida, to Governor of Hodeida who was therein directed to immediately arrange return of English Vice Consul from the interior. Italian Ambassador had also received telegram directing Governor Hodeida to permit Italian Consul to reinstate him at Hodeida Consulate. Apparently Sublime Porte will give satisfaction to Italy.

Your 1351 communicated to Grand Vizier who thereafter informed me that French consuls are on their way to Constantinople and will be permitted to leave for France. Grand Vizier expects after their departure Prince Omar will be released.

American Ambassador
  1. Not printed.