The Secretary of State to the British Embassy


The Department of State has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the memorandum of the British Embassy dated the 21st instant, and to refer to the pro memoria of the British Embassy of the 27th ultimo in regard to the results of the inquiry made by Rear Admiral Pond reported in the San Francisco Bulletin of October 5, and in regard to any action which may have been taken by the United States authorities in this case.1

In reply the Department of State has the honor to state that it has not been advised as to what legal action is contemplated by the Department of Justice as a result of the inquiry made by Rear Admiral Pond and the United States District Attorney, but it is understood that the latter officer still has the case under consideration with a view to taking such action as may appear appropriate and possible in the circumstances.

Department of State,
  1. Ante, p. 641.