File No. 763.72111/724
The British Ambassador (Spring Rice) to the Secretary of State
Washington, October 31, 1914.
No. 371]
Sir: With reference to my verbal communication which I made on the 16th with regard to the Italian S. S. Amistà , I have the honour, under instructions from my Government, to make the following communication:
This ship was chartered by the Berwind-White Coal Mining Company of New York and loaded coal and stores at Newport News. Representations were made in writing to the collector of customs by the British Vice Consul on the ground that the Berwind-White Coal Mining Company of New York was under strong suspicion of chartering neutral ships in order to supply German cruisers, that the firm named in Punta Arenas as receivers of the cargo were only nominal consignees, and that the neutral clause in the vessel’s charter party was incorrect.
The collector replied that he had enquired into the matter and had satisfied himself that the master and agents of the vessel were acting in good faith and that he could not see his way to withhold clearances.
The vessel cleared at the customhouse on October 17 and the collector invited the Consul to inspect the clearance papers, which were in order, the vessel clearing for Montevideo via Barbados.
I have now received information from my Government to the effect that the Amistà never arrived at Barbados. At the slowest speed she should have arrived October 24. Under these circumstances I have the honour to invite the earnest attention of your Government to this confirmation of the suspect character of the vessel’s voyage.
I have to add that the systematic way in which neutral ships have left American ports in order to supply German cruisers, and have been allowed to operate freely in the ports of the United States, in spite of the warnings which have been given, is a matter which causes grave anxiety to His Majesty’s Government. I am therefore instructed to request that, in view of the usages of international law and the terms of the instructions of the United States Government to local authorities for the preservation of the neutrality of the United States, such measures as are possible may be taken to prevent the use of ports of the United States for this unneutral purpose.
I have [etc.]