The Acting Secretary of State to the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (Peters)
, Washington, October 17, 1914.
Sir: The Department has received your letter of the 13th instant, enclosing a telegraphic report from the collector of customs at San Francisco in regard to the cargo of coal taken on board in that port by the Mazatlan, and discharged in the port of Guaymas, Mexico. It appears that the collector believes that the contract entered into by the German acting Consul General in regard to the disposition of this coal has been violated by the fact that after its discharge at Guaymas, the German cruiser Leipzig came into that port and purchased this coal, together with 480 tons in addition and placed it on board.
[Page 625]It does not appear to this Department that the agreement of the German acting Consul General has been violated by the action of the Leipzig. The Department notes with satisfaction that the collector’s telegram has been forwarded to the Attorney General for such action, if any, as he may deem necessary to take in the matter.
I am [etc.]