File No. 812.00/12847.

The Brazilian Minister to Mexico to the Secretary of State.


126. I have great pleasure in transmitting to you a translation of the agreement signed by the Governor of the Federal District and General Obregón:

As a consequence of the departure of Licenciado Francisco S. Carbajal, who, up to last [omission], was the Provisional Depository of the Executive Power of the Republic, I have assumed [that]Power in my capacity of Governor of the Federal District and Chief of Police.

It is my principal duty to endeavor by all means to make sure that order in the city shall not be disturbed and that all of its inhabitants shall enjoy peace and guaranties. In order to accomplish such ends I have solemnly agreed with Senor Alvaro Obregon, General-in-chief of the Northwestern Corps of the Constitutionalist Army, duly authorized by the proper chief, upon the basis hereinafter mentioned, regarding the occupation of the capital.

First. The entry of the above-mentioned forces into the City of Mexico shall take place as soon as the Federals are in the act of withdrawing to the point fixed by agreement between Senor Jose Refugio Velasco, General-in-chief of the Federal Army, and General Alvaro Obregón.

Second. As soon as the capital is occupied, I shall deliver all of the Corps of Police, who will at once be under the command of the new authorities and who shall enjoy all kinds of guaranties.

Third. The army under the command of General Obregon shall effect its entry into the City of Mexico in perfect order, and the inhabitants of the same shall not be molested in any way.

General Obregón has seen fit to promise besides that he will punish with the greatest severity any soldier or civilian who may trespass upon or maltreat any residence, and will remind the people that no military officer shall take the liberty, without express authority from the General-in-chief, to demand or obtain anything pertaining to private individuals.

The present agreement having been read and agreed upon by both parties, we have signed the same and bind ourselves to comply with the agreed stipulations.

At the advance posts at Teoloyucán, this thirteenth day of August, 1914.

E. N. Iturbide.

General Alvaro Obregón.

Cardoso de Oliveira