File No. 812.00/23436.

The Special Commissioners to the Secretary of State.


On receipt of your wire, we at once met Mediators and found them in no sense opposed to the alternative plan suggested in your telegram of today, one preferring it, the others not objecting but thinking their original suggestion was more in consonance with constitutional form.

In addition to the name mentioned last night, they suggested General Rafael Angeles, Chief of Artillery, Constitutionalist Army; Luis Cabrera; Ernesto Madero; and Bonilla, a member of Carranza’s Cabinet. They stated they would make inquiries of the Mexican delegates as to whether they thought these names would be satisfactory to all concerned, and would ask delegates for other names. They were unable to give whereabouts of several of persons named.

As to the reforms, they expressed themselves as willing to go as far as might be thought proper, having in mind that this remains the peculiar work of the Mexican people and government, but that the provisional government remains pledged to an immediate effort to solve the question desired, the guaranty of good faith in this to be found in the personnel of the provisional government.
