File No. 812.00/11914.

Consul Canada to the Secretary of State.


Mexican peace delegates sailed on Kronprinzessin Cecilie ten o’clock last night, due Havana Thursday morning. They are:

  • Licenciado Emilio Rabasa, author of best Mexican work on international law and Huerta’s choice for Ambassador to Washington, had he been recognized; was also candidate for Minister of Foreign Relations.
  • Licenciado Agustín Rodríguez, director School of Law, Mexico City, and oldest practicing attorney in republic; also dean of Mexican bar.
  • Licenciado Luis Elguero, Senator, capitalist, politician, lawyer of note; also Interventor appointed by Mexican Government for national and central banks of Mexico and member of Board of Directors, National Railways.
  • Licenciado Rafael Elguero, son of Luis Elguero and Secretary of peace delegation.
  • Manuel Martínez del Campo, employee Mexican Foreign Office, formerly a Chief of Protocol in that Department.
  • Rafael Capetillo, Attaché of Peace Delegation and employee of Foreign Office.
  • Delegation named in order of rank.

The following accompany the delegation: The Misses R. Rabasa, Isabel Rabasa, Carmen Rabasa, and Mr. Oscar Rabasa, children of Emilio Rabasa; Luis and Guadalupe Rodríguez, son and daughter of Agustin Rodríguez; Mrs. Mercedes de la Cueva de Martínez del Campo, wife of Manuel Martínez del Campo.

Impossible give exact date arrival in United States as they intend stopping Havana few days. They plan go via Key West. Suggest communicate our Minister at Havana for time of departure that port and arrival United States.
