File No. 812.00/11820.

General Funston to the Secretary of War.


Following order establishing military government Vera Cruz issued today:

In compliance with instructions from the Secretary of War and by direction of the President of the United States, the undersigned announces himself as Military Governor of Vera Cruz, Mexico, and the adjacent territory now under control of the armed forces of the United States. The government hereby established will continue the system which the people of Vera Cruz are accustomed to in so far as is consistent with military control.
There shall be a Provost Marshal General. He will institute or continue in force the usual departments of city government. He will make request to the Military Governor for the detail of officers to be placed in charge of the principal departments and bureaus and for such other officers as may be necessary.
In the exercise of police powers the Provost Marshal General will continue for the present the provost courts instituted by general orders No. 2 from these headquarters dated April 30, 1914.
The Judge Advocate at these headquarters is appointed Administrator of Justice. Upon his recommendation the Military Governor will establish trial courts for the trial of civil causes.
The funds received from whatever sources will be deposited in the general treasury and credited to the proper fund. The current and necessary expenses of the military and civil government shall be paid on requisition from the proper departments or bureaus approved by the Military Governor.
The following administrative officers are exempt from the control of the Provost Marshal General and are under the immediate control of the Military Governor:
The general treasury.
Customs, including lighthouse service.
The civil courts.
The U. S. mail agency and the general post office.

Frederick Funston,
Brigadier General, Commanding.

Colonel Plummer, 28th Infantry, appointed Provost Marshal General. Commander Stickney, Navy, Administrator of Customs. Paymaster Potter, Navy, Treasurer of Customs.
