File No. 893.51/1477.
The Secretary of State to Minister Reinsch.
Washington, December 2, 1913.
Sir: The Department acknowledges the receipt of the Legation’s No. 1067 of October 21, 1913,15 on the subject of a loan by American [Page 62] capitalists to the Chinese Central Government, and the request of the Premier and Minister of Finance that this Government use its good offices with a view to induce American financiers to resume the lending of money to China. The course pursued by Mr. Williams in this matter and his statement to the Premier are approved.
In regard to the Premier’s statement that the American bankers had withdrawn from participation in the Currency Loan,16 the Department assumes that the Currency Loan has been merged with the Reorganization Loan. The Legation will recall that this was a subject of discussion before the completion of the Reorganization Loan agreement in April last.17 The Department would be glad to have definite information as to the mutual intentions of the Chinese Government and the bankers in this respect.
I am [etc.]