File No. 718.1915/228.
The Department of State to the Legation of Panama.
The Department of State has received the memorandum of the Panaman Legation, dated December 8, 1914, setting forth the present status of the boundary controversy between Panama and Costa Rica, growing out of the treaty between Colombia and Costa Rica of January 21, 1886, submitting the question to the arbitration of His Majesty the King of Spain, and of the later treaty between the same parties of November 4, 1886, appointing as the arbitrator the President of the French Republic, as well as the agreement between Panama and Costa Rica submitting the matter to the decision of the Chief Justice of the United States.
The memorandum of the Panaman Legation appears to communicate no matter requiring the present attention of the Department of State, and it is assumed that the paper is furnished for the Department’s information only. Nevertheless, due note has been taken of its contents for any pertinent purposes.
Washington , December 19, 1914.