File No. 511.4A1/1447.
Washington, January 27, 1914.
Mr. Secretary of State: It appears from the list enclosed in my note of the 19th instant, No. 1688, that up to the 31st of December, 1913, the Opium Convention had been signed by all the Powers but six: Bulgaria, Greece, Uruguay, Austria-Hungary, Serbia and Turkey.
The first three of these have promised to sign; Austria-Hungary will probably sign; Serbia has declared that she would provisionally withhold her signature; and Turkey persists in refusing to sign.
In accordance with the recommendation made in section 3 of the Final Protocol of the Second Opium Conference, I have been instructed [Page 926] and I hereby have the honor to ask your excellency kindly to take such steps as may be necessary to have the Government of the United States represented at the Conference that will be held at The Hague in May next to consider whether the aforesaid Convention can be put into operation.
Begging your excellency kindly to let me know how this request is received, I avail [etc.]