File No.312.ll/4189a.
The Secretary of State to the Brazilian Minister at Mexico City.
Washington, May 8, 1914.
[Note similar to telegram to Consul Letcher of May 8, 1914.]
American interests in the Consular district of Acapulco, Ensenada, Frontera, Guadalajara, La Paz, and Salina Cruz, are in the care of [Page 684] the British Consular representatives at those places; the French Consular representatives at Aguascalientes, Guaymas, Mazatlan, Guanajuato, Oaxaca, Puebla, Progreso, Puerto Mexico and San Luis Potosi, are looking after American interests at those places; and the care of American interests at Manzanillo is in the hands of the German Consular representative at that place. At Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez, Ciudad Porfirio Diaz, Durango, Hermosillo, Matamoros, Monterey, Nogales, Nuevo Laredo, Tampico, Tuxpam and Vera Cruz, American consular officers are still at their posts.
The Department will request the British, French and German Ambassadors at this capital to ask the Minister of their Governments in Mexico to instruct the British, French and German Consular officers in Mexico in charge of American interests as above indicated, to publish like notices in their districts and to forward through their Diplomatic representatives in Mexico and the Embassies in Washington, copies of the notices so published and lists of the names and addresses of Americans who may have registered. In order that the information in your possession in regard to Americans in Mexico may be as complete as possible, the Ambassadors will be requested, to ask the Ministers of their Governments in Mexico City to hand you informally copies of the lists which their Consul may have prepared.