File No. 312.11/3770.
Consul Canada to the Secretary of State.
Vera Cruz, April 24, 1914, 10 a.m.
Am just reliably informed that eight o’clock Tuesday night soldiers stopped train vicinity Tierra Blanca on Vera Cruz Isthmus Railroad taking following prisoners: W. A. Magum, railroad superintendent; Elliott, engineer; Riley and Hart, conductors; all Americans.
These persons all taken to Cordoba or Orizaba and believed ordered shot. Some eighteen more Americans left in Tierra Blanca including C. D. Herron, Secretary, Isthmus Railroad, with wife and three children; J. O. Cook, chief surgeon; John Snyder, conductor; J. S. Langston and wife; Kerwin, engineer, and Mr. and Mrs. George McCumber. Same soldiers stopped at Hacienda Motzorongo on same railroad taking the prisoners Edward Weunch and son Sidney, A.M. Turner, Secretary of Hacienda Motzorongo, all Americans; also man named Boyd, British subject. All taken to Cordoba or Orizaba. Please [Page 674] inform Herbert A. Parkyn, president Motzorongo Company Chicago of above. It is reliably stated that these prisoners may be executed. Admirals Fletcher and Badger have this information before them.