The Secretary of State to
President Wilson
April 3, 1917.
My Dear Mr. President: I send you a tentative
draft of a proclamation of which I spoke to you yesterday afternoon and
which, it seems to me, should be issued immediately upon the passage of
the Joint Resolution which I assume Congress will adopt.
Will you please advise me whether this meets with your wishes in order
that we may prepare the proclamation so that it will issue without
Faithfully yours,
Draft of Proclamation To Be Issued by the
Whereas the Congress of the United States
in the exercise of the constitutional authority vested in them have
resolved, by joint resolution of the Senate and House of
Representatives bearing date this
[Page 636]
day “That the state of war between the United
States and the Imperial German Government which has thus been thrust
upon the United States is hereby declared”:
Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson,
President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the
same to all whom it may concern; and I do specially direct all
officers, civil or military, of the United States that they exercise
vigilance and zeal in the discharge of the duties incident to such a
state of war; and I do, moreover, earnestly appeal to all American
citizens that they, in loyal devotion to their country dedicated
from its foundation to the principles of liberty and justice, uphold
the laws of the land, and give undivided and willing support to
those measures which may be adopted by the constitutional
authorities in prosecuting the war to a successful issue and in
obtaining a secure and just peace.
In testimony whereof—