Colonel E. M. House to the Secretary of State
Dear Mr. Secretary: Thank you for your letter of yesterday with its enclosure.
In regard to the Egan despatch, I think we ought to do everything possible to discredit Zimmermann whose influence seems to be wholly anti American. Suppose we let the matter rest until you come on Saturday when we can talk it over. There are some things I can tell you about the matter that perhaps have not reached you.
I wrote the President very strongly yesterday along the lines you suggested through Frank Polk. I find that many thoughtful people believe that the President would do better not to call Congress before the sixteenth if he would proceed as rapidly as possible towards preparing the country for war.
There is so much to be done and so little time in which to do it that it might be prudent not to declare war until we have more nearly gotten ready. Haste in this direction is what I believe is most to be desired. If the President would outline such a policy to you and to [Page 630] the Army and Navy Departments and let it be known what was being done, it would satisfy public opinion and be more effective than if actual war was declared before having taken the necessary precautions.
I hope nothing will prevent your coming on Saturday for we not only have invited some twenty odd people to meet Mrs. Lansing and you, but I am anxious to have a talk which we can do better here than in Washington.
Sincerely yours,
[Received March 21.]