851.857 Su 8/54a

The Secretary of State to President Wilson

My Dear Mr. President: All the information which we are receiving in regard to the sinking of the Sussex in the English Channel, by which several Americans were injured and some undoubtedly killed, indicates that the vessel was torpedoed by a German submarine.22 If this information is corroborated as the investigation proceeds it will present a very serious situation in our relations with Germany. I think we should determine what course should be taken in the event that the evidence points very strongly to the culpability of the Germans.

Every effort undoubtedly will be made by the Allies to prove that the vessel was torpedoed, and I believe that they will make a [Page 538] strong case, judging from the telegrams we have thus far received. On the other hand, I feel sure that the German Government will deny the charge and assert that a floating mine of English origin caused the disaster. There will be thus a flat contradiction of statements as to the facts.

I do not believe that the Government can remain inactive because of this contradictory evidence. There will be a strong demand that something should be done and, personally, I would be disposed to view such a demand as justifiable.

The argument which will meet with general favor will be that the sinking of the Sussex is similar to that of the sinking of other vessels in the last few days, and is a direct result of the greater activity of submarines, in accordance with the new German policy which went into effect March first; and that even if the evidence of torpedoing was absent the presumption raised by the announced policy of Germany and the submarine attacks of the past ten days makes it almost certain that the vessel was torpedoed.

Assuming that Germany will fail to establish conclusively the innocence of her submarine commanders I do not see how we can avoid taking some decisive step. We can no longer temporize in the matter of submarine warfare when Americans are being killed, wounded, or endangered by the illegal and inhuman conduct of the Germans.

Of one thing I am firmly convinced and that is that the time for writing notes discussing the subject has passed. Whatever we determine to do must be in the line of action and it must indicate in no uncertain terms that the present method of submarine warfare can no longer be tolerated.

Proceeding on the assumption that the Sussex was torpedoed the action which seems to me the most practicable would be to demand the immediate recall of Count Bernstorff and the severance of diplomatic relations with Germany. This action might be made conditional upon the German Government unequivocally admitting the illegality of submarine warfare in general, paying a just indemnity for the Americans killed and injured, and guaranteeing that the present method of warfare will cease. Such a conditional admission would be in the nature of an ultimatum which could very properly include a time limit at the expiration of which, in case of failure to comply with the conditions, Count von Bernstorff could be given his passports.

I realize that this action is drastic but I believe that to be patient longer would be misconstrued both at home and abroad. We have [Page 539] already shown in the case of the Lusitania an earnest desire to avoid trouble with Germany and now, after ten months of negotiations and on the eve of an amicable settlement, Germany has renewed the method of warfare against which we so strongly protested. In these circumstances I do not see how we can avoid the issue and remain inactive. The honor of the United States and the duty of the Government to its citizens require firm and decisive action.

While I have advanced these views on an assumption as to the sinking of the Sussex I think that the assumption will be justified. Doubtless the German Government would view the breaking off of diplomatic relations as an unfriendly act and might possibly go so far as to declare war against the United States, yet, with the probable consequences fully in mind, I can see no other course open to us. The case arises at a most unfortunate time in view of the state of our Mexican affairs and also in view of the proposed treaty which is receiving the consideration of the Danish Government. If we could, consistently with the dignity of the United States and our duty as a Government, delay action I would favor delay, but, in view of all the facts, if the assumption of German responsibility is established, I do not believe a long delay is possible.

Faithfully yours,

Robert Lansing
  1. For correspondence previously printed concerning the Sussex, see Foreign Relations, 1916, supp., pp. 214268.