The Secretary of State to President Wilson 10
My Dear Mr. President: I enclose flimsies of two telegrams— numbers 4006 [3406]11 and 4008 [3408],11 received from Berlin, relative to the Lusitania case.
I call your particular attention to number 4008 [3408] because the suggestion made by Gerard, in which he says that “Colonel House concurs” is, to my mind, exactly in line with the memoranda which we have received from Count Bernstorff. I am very much afraid that Gerard, and possibly House, do not appreciate the real point at issue—namely, that the German Government should admit the wrongdoing of the submarine commander who torpedoed the vessel. I am also afraid that they have held out hopes to Zimmermann that a declaration such as is suggested would be acceptable to you. It shows the danger of attempting to negotiate at two ends of the line.
Do you wish to suggest a reply to Gerard or shall I prepare one, explaining the point at issue, so that he may disabuse Zimmermann of the idea that the suggested declaration would be acceptable.
[Page 530]I congratulate you upon the splendid reception you are receiving from the people whom you have addressed in behalf of preparedness.
Faithfully yours,
P. S. Please telegraph me an answer. I enclose also copy of a telegram which I have just sent Gerard.12
- Addressed to reach the President at Kansas City, Mo., February 2, 1916.↩
- Foreign Relations, 1916, supp., p. 153.↩
- Foreign Relations, 1916, supp., p. 153.↩
- Infra.↩