File No. 812.00/6980.
The American Vice Consul at Nogales to the Secretary of State.
Nogales, Sonora, March 28, 1913.
Sir: * * * Thus far the victories of the State troops have been followed by the immediate restoration of the normal government and good order is maintained. There is a disposition on the part of the State officials to continue the established order of things as formerly. The State Government only desires to repudiate President Huerta, demands his resignation and refuses to permit Federal troops to remain in the State. The officials reiterate further that they have no intention of seceding from the Republic of Mexico but will not tolerate the present Provisional Government and that their belligerency is a movement to secure a constitutionally elected president, and that they do not believe President Huerta will permit a constitutionally elected president to succeed him to his present office.
The attitude of the Sonora State Government seems to be receiving enthusiastic encouragement, which is almost unanimous all over the State. Recruits continue to join the armed forces of the State and there seems to be a real sentiment of patriotism behind the revolt. Foreigners generally are well treated and so far this office has received no complaint from Americans as to the treatment accorded [Page 784] them by the State Government. Colonel Obregón refused to receive American recruits while at Nogales, and explained to this office that he was waging a patriotic war and wanted only his own countrymen to help him. * * *
I have [etc.]