File No. 812.00/6876.
The Provisional Governor of Sonora to the Secretary of State.
On March 6 I had the honor to send you a telegram as follows1:
I have the honor to inform you that the Executive Power in my charge, in accord with the local Legislature, and in fulfillment of the obligation to sustain the sovereignty of the State as provided in the general Constitution of the Republic and in that of this Federative entity, is obliged to refuse recognition of General Victoriano Huerta as President act interim of Mexico. I am zealously looking after the maintenance of order and the protection of all interests, especially those of American citizens, who, as far as this Government is concerned, will have every guaranty compatible with the actual situation.
Accept the assurance of my highest and most distinguished consideration.
I repeat it to you with the same tender of my highest consideration.
Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
- This telegram is not of record of that date.↩