File No. 882.51/517.
The American Chargé d’Affaires to the Secretary of State.
Monrovia, February 6, 1913.
Commission of three agreed upon. Germans have rejected every American proposed as third commissioner and are insisting that an Englishman fill the place.
[Page 671]German Government demands that Liberian Government agree to pay merchants in one year all claims that may be awarded by commission, although amount of claims unknown and members of commission not yet chosen. German Consul informs me that he is unable to induce his Government to modify this demand. Liberian Government agrees with advice of Financial Adviser and after commission has ascertained full amount of claims to arrange definite time of settlement and allow five per cent interest annually on claims until paid. Liberian Government urges me to request Department to induce German Government to accept these terms otherwise serious financial difficulties will result.