File No. 731.51/44.
The Secretary of State to the French Ambassador.
Washington, December 31, 1912.
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 24th instant, by which you inform me of the designation, on the part of the French Republic, of a plenipotentiary charged with the duty of signing at Caracas the contemplated protocol looking to a resumption of relations between France and Venezuela, and that the plenipotentiary would arrive at that city on January 20th next.
In compliance with the wishes of Mr. Poinearé, as expressed in your note, the Department has taken pleasure in conveying this information to the American Minister at Caracas for communication confidentially to the Venezuelan Government.
Such services as the Department and the Legation at Caracas were able to give in the way of good offices in bringing about a solution of [Page 535] the differences which have interfered with good relationship between your country and Venezuela were gladly rendered, and I highly appreciate the estimation of the value which your note informs me is placed upon them by your Government.
Accept [etc.]