File No. 353.117R33/5.
The Acting Secretary of State to the American Chargé d’Affaires.
Washington, September 18, 1913.
Sir: The Department has received your despatch No. 133, of August 2, 1913, transmitting a copy and translation of a note of August 2, 1913, from the Portuguese Foreign Office concerning the summoning for military services in the Azores of the sons of naturalized citizens of the United States.
Copies of your despatch and the translation mentioned have this day been sent to the Consul at St. Michael’s, whose especial attention has been called to the statement in the note that “the consular authorities of the United States might aid greatly in the solution of the difficulty, and in the interest of the young men, by making known to the young men who present themselves to make the declaration required by the American law that they must observe before the Portuguese municipality the formality which the law of the territory prescribes.” The Consul was told to follow this suggestion as far as possible.
I am [etc.]