File No. 13934/5–6.
Chargé Frazier to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Salvador, May 6,
No. 295.]
Sir: I have the honour to inclose to you
herewith a copy of the protocol of exchange of a commercial treaty
between Salvador and Germany, as published in the “Diario Oficial” of
April 28, 1909, together with an English translation of the same. A copy
of the treaty as signed in San Salvador on April 14, 1908, accompanied
Mr. Dodge’s despatch No. 85, Salvadorean Series, of May 18, 1908.
I have, etc.,
Protocol of exchange of a commercial treaty
between Salvador and Germany.
[Executive power. Department of Foreign Affairs,
Justice, and Public Charities. Foreign Office.]
The undersigned Doctor Francis G. de Machon, Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary of Salvador and Count Ulrich von Schwerin,
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to his Majesty the
Emperor of Germany, King of Prussia, near the Republic of Salvador,
met together today to effect the exchange of ratifications of the
Treaty of Commerce concluded between the Republic of Salvador and
the German Empire on the 14th of April, 1908.
[Page 534]
Before performing this act the notes which were exchanged on April
14th, 1908, between Doctor Salvador Rodriguez Gonzalez, Secretary of
State of the Department of Foreign Relations, and Count von Schwerin
when the said treaty was signed, were confirmed.
The undersigned immediately exchanged the documents, after having
examined them and found them to be in due and proper form, and
signed the duplicate of the present protocol.
Done in the city of
Guatemala, April eighth, one thousand nine hundred
and nine.
Francis G.