Consul Proffit to
the Third Assistant Secretary of
Consulate of the United States,
Pretoria, Transvaal, January
20, 1904.
No. 66.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of
your dispatch No. 36, under elate of December 18 last, relative to the
payment of certain bonds issued by the Government of the late South
African Republic, the property of Dr. William H. McGreevy, of Scranton,
Pa. Replying thereto the department is informed that the claimant has
forwarded the bonds mentioned to this consulate and that a formal claim
has been made on his behalf. The result thereof will be communicated to
the department.
So far as I have been able to ascertain, the British Government have
refused to entertain claims of this nature in all cases in which the
holders of the bonds or notes were rebels or foreigners. Such refusal
would seem to be warranted by section 10a of the
treaty between Great Britain and the late republics, published in the
Gazette Extraordinary on June 3, 1902, a copy of which you will find
inclosed with Mr. Gordon’s dispatch No. 104, of June 10, 1902.
A copy of a letter to the claimant is inclosed herewith.
I have, etc.,
Consul Proffit
to Doctor McGreevy.
Pretoria, Transvaal, January 12, 1904.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your letter of November 22 last inclosing 31 notes,
issued by the Government of the late South African Republic, of the
face value of £684, which you ask me to present for payment to the
officials of the British Government. Replying thereto, you are
advised that I shall be pleased to make a formal claim on your
behalf, though I fear that the issue will prove unsuccessful, as
under the treaty of peace signed by Great Britain and the late
republics, these notes were made a part of Great Britain’s liability
only in cases in which they were issued by officers of the said
republics in return for supplies furnished or services rendered. And
section 10 of said treaty expressly excludes rebels and foreigners
from participation in the fund provided for the payment of said
notes. However, I shall prosecute your claim diligently, and
communicate the result to you as soon as possible.
I have inclosed herewith a receipt for the notes in question.
I have, etc.,