The Danish Minister to the Secretary of State.
Bar Harbor, Me., June 26, 1906.
Mr. Secretary of State: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s note No. 629, of the 22d instant, by which Mr. Robert Bacon, Acting Secretary of State, was so good as to make, [Page 534] on the condition proposed by me, the formal declaration that, under the laws of the United States, it is not necessary, in order to secure the protection of Danish industrial designs of models, that the articles they represent shall be manufactured in the United States.
In return for that declaration and conformably to the condition proposed by me, I hasten, by virtue of an authorization received from the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, formally to declare that the Government of the King will cause to be promulgated a royal ordinance by which, under the law of April 1, 1905, § 11 i. f., exmeption from the rule in § 11, No. 4, relative to the requirement that corresponding articles shall be manufactured in Denmark, shall be granted to industrial designs or models from the United States as long as the laws of the United States relative to the matter under consideration shall remain unchanged.
I shall have the honor to transmit the text of the royal ordinance to your excellency immediately upon its promulgation.
Be pleased to accept, etc.