The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Morgan.
Washington, March 3, 1906.
Sir: The department has received Mr. Sleeper’s dispatch No. 1474, with inclosure, of the 20th ultimo, reporting the refusal of the Cuban Government to apply the benefit of the existing reciprocity treaty to a certain shipment and a contemplated further shipment of foreign-grown rice, milled in and exported, or to be exported, from the United States to Cuba, by the Seaboard Rice Milling Company, of Galveston, Tex.
This refusal by the Cuban Government to comply with the representations and request made by your legation in behalf of the exporting company, in pursuance of the department’s instruction No. 589, of the 10th ultimo, is regarded as illfounded and is unsatisfactory, and you will on convenient occasion recur to the subject at the foreign office, with a view to ultimately securing for the rice in question the benefit of the reduced rate of the reciprocity treaty.
I am, etc.,