The Secretary of State to Chargé Rives.

No. 199.]

Sir: I inclose copy of a letter from Mr. M. E. Martin, of 9341 Lyons avenue, Chicago, bringing to the department’s notice the complaint of Mrs. Nic. Roman of the seizure of her prepaid steamship ticket and her arrest by the Hungarian authorities.

The action herein reported, namely, the stoppage of Mrs. Roman and the confiscation of her prepaid ticket via Rotterdam, bought in the United States, is in obvious disregard of the repeated assurances of the Hungarian Government that this class of emigration is not interfered with and calls for the rebuke of the superserviceable zeal of the minor authorities which the Hungarian Government has assured us is administered in such cases, with suitable reparations to Mrs. Roman.

I am, etc.,

Elihu Root.