Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay.
Peking, China, October 25, 1900.
Sir: I have the honor to confirm your telegram of the 19th and pay reply of the 23d instant.
I have obtained from the French minister a copy of the French propositions, and think we can use them as a base to work from. The new British minister is to take charge to-morrow, when we hope to have a general conference.
My seventh suggestion does mean to put Peking or any other place that may possibly be selected as the capital of the Empire on the footing of a treaty port.
As yet none of the powers has appointed other than their ministers to negotiate, or sent advisers or counsel, and I should not like to be the only one for whom such support is deemed necessary. But, realizing the unusually difficult problem before me, and knowing Mr. Rockhill’s familiarity with the views and policies of the Department of State and his experience in important special diplomatic work, I should like very much to have his assistance, and hope he has already been instructed to join me.
I have, etc.,