Les Plénipotentiaires:

  • d’Allemagne, Son Excellence M. A. Mumm von Schwarzenstein;
  • d’Autriche-Hongrie, Son Excellence M. Czikann von Wahlborn;
  • de Belgique, Son Excellence M. Joostens;
  • d’Espagne, Son Excellence M. B. J. de Cologan;
  • des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, Son Excellence M. W. W. Rockhill;
  • de France, Son Excellence M. Paul Beau;
  • de Grande Bretagne, Son Excellence Sir Ernest Satow;
  • d’Italie, Son Excellence le Marquis Salvago Raggi;
  • du Japon, Son Excellence M. Jutaro Komura;
  • des Pays-Bas, Son Excellence M. F. M. Knobel;
  • de Russie, Son Excellence M. M. de Giers; et
  • de Chine, Son Altesse Yi-K’uang Prince du premier rang K’ing, Président du Ministère des Affaires Étrangeres et Son Excellence Li Hong-tchang, Comte du premier rang, Sou-yi, Tuteur de l’Héritier Présomptif, Grand Secrétaire du Wen-houa-tien, Ministre du commerce, Surintendant des ports du nord, Gouverneur-Général du Tcheli;

se sont réunis pour constater que la Chine s’est conformée, à la satisfaction des Puissances, aux conditions énumerées dans la note du 22 Décembre 1900 et qui ont été acceptées dans leur entier par Sa Majesté l’Empereur de Chine par un décret en date du 27 Décembre 1900 (annexea No. 1).

Article Ia.

Par un Edit Impérial du 9 Juin dernier (annexe No. 2), Tsai-Feng, Prince du premier rang Tch’oun, a été nommé Ambassadeur de Sa Majesté l’Empereur de Chine et a été chargé en cette qualité de porter a Sa Majesté l’Empereur d’Allemagne l’expression des regrets de Sa Majesté l’Empereur de Chine et du Gouvernement chinois au sujet de l’assassinat de feu Son Excellence le Baron von Ketteler, Ministre d’Allemagne.

Le Prince Tch’oun a quitté Pékin le 12 Juillet dernier pour exécuter les ordres qui lui ont été donnés.

Article I.b.

Le Gouvernement chinois a déclaré quil érigera sur le lieu de l’assassinat de feu Son Excellence le Baron von Ketteler un monument commémoratif, digne du rang du défunt et portant une inscription en [Page 307] langues latine, allemande et chinoise qui exprimera les regrets de Sa Majesté l’Empereur de Chine à propos du meurtre commis.

Leurs Excellences les Plénipotentiaires chinois ont fait savoir à Son Excellence le Plénipotentiaire d’Allemagne, par une letter en date du 22 Juillet dernier (annexe No. 3), qu’un portique de toute la largeur de la rue est érigé sur le dit lieu et que les travaux ont commencé le 25 Juin dernier.

Article IIa.

Les Edits Impériaux en date des 13 et 21 Février 1901 (annexes Nos. 4, 5 et é) ont infligé les peines suivantes aux principaux auteurs des attentats et des crimes commis contre les Gouvernements étrangers et leurs nationaux:

Tsai-Yi Prince Touan, et Tsai-Lan Due Fou-Kouo, ont éié traduits pour être exécutés devant la Cour d’assises d’automme, et il a été stipulé que si l’Empereur croit devoir leur faire grâce de la vie, ils seront exilés au Turkestan et y seront emprisonnés à perpetuité, sans que cette peine puisse jamais être commuée.

Tsai-Hiun, Prince Tchouang, Ying-Nien, Président de la Cour des censeurs, et Tchao Chou-K’iao, Président au Ministère de la justice, ont été condamnès à se donner la mort.

Yu-Hien, Gouverneur du Chansi, K’i-Sieou, Président au Ministère des rites, et Siu Tch’eng-yü, précédemment Directeurs de gauche au Ministère de la justice, ont été condamnés à la peine de mort.

La dégradation posthume a été prononcée contre Kang-Yi, sous Grand-Secrétaire d’Etat, Président au Ministère de I’Intérieur, Siu-T’ong, Grand-Secrétaire d’Etat, et Li Ping-heng, ancien Gouverneur-Général du Sze-tch’ouan.

Un Edit Impérial du 13 Février 1901 (annexe No. 7) a réliabilité la mémoire de Siu Yong-yi, Président au Ministère de la Guerre, Li-chan, Prèsident au Ministère des Finances, Hiu King-tch’eng, Direc-teur de gauche au Ministère de I’Intérieur, Lien-Yuan, vice-Chancelier au Grand-Secretariat, et Yuan-tch’ang, Directeur à la Cours des Sacrifices, qui avient été mis à mort pour avoir protesté contre les abominables violations du droit international commises au cours de l’année dernière.

Le prince Tchouang s’est donné la mort le 21 Février 1901, Ying-Nien et Tchao Chou-Kiao le 24, Yu-Hien a été execute le 22, enfin K’i-Hieou et Siu Tch’eng-yu le 26.

Tong Fou-siang, Général au Kansou a été privé de ses fonctions par Edit Impérial du 13 Février en attendant qu’il soit statué sur la peine définitive à lui infliger.

Les Edits Impériaux du 29 Avril et 19 Août 1901 ont infligé des peines graduellas aux fonctionnaires des provinces reconnus coupables des crimes et attentats commis au cours de l’été dernier.

Article II.b

Un Edit Impérial promulgué le 19 Août 1901 (annexe No. 8) a ardonné la suspension des examens officiels pendant cinq ans dans toutes les villes où des étrangers ont été massacrés où ont subi des traitements cruels.

[Page 308]

Article III.

Afin d’accorder une réparation honorable pour l’assassinat de feu M. Sougiyama, Chaneelier de la Légation du Japon, Sa Majesté l’Empereur de Chine a, par un Edit Impérial du 18 Juin 1901 (annexe No. 9), désigné le vice-prèsident au Ministère des finances Na-t’ong comme Envoyé Extraordinaire et l’a chargé spécialement de porter à Sa Majesté l’Empereur du Japon l’expression des regrets de Sa Majesté l’Empereur de Chine et de son Gouvernement au sujet de l’assassinat de feu M. Sougiyama.

Article IV.

Le Gouvernement chinois s’est engagé à ériger un monument expiatoire dans chacum des cimetières étranger ou internationaux qui ont été profanés et dont les tombes ont été détruites. D’accord avec les Représentants des Puissances il a été convenue que les légations intéressées donneront les indications pour l’érection de ces monuments à charge par la Chine d’en couvrir tous les frais, évalués à dix mille taels pour les cimetières de Pékin et des environs, à cinq mille taels pour les cimetières des provinces. Ces sommes ont été versées, et la liste de ces cimetières est ci-jointe (annexe No. 10).

Article V.

La Chine a accepté de prohiber sur son territoire l’importation des armes et des munitions ainsi que du matériel destiné exclusivement à la fabrication des armes et des munitions.

Un Edit Impérial a été rendu le 25 Août 1901 (annexe No. 11) pour interdire cette importation pendant une durée de deux années. De nouveaux Edits pourront être rendus par la suite pour proroger ce terme de deux ans en deux ans dans le cas de nécessité reconnue par les Puissances.

Article VI.

Par un Edit Impérial en date du 29 Mai 1901 (annexe No. 12) Sa Majesté l’Empereur de Chine s’est engagé à payer aux Puissances une indemnité de quatre cent cinquante millions de Haikouan Taels. Cette somme représente le total des indemnités pour les Etats, les sociétés, les particuliers et les Chinois visés à l’article VI de la Note du 22 Décembre 1900.

(a) Ces quatre cent cinquante millions constituent une dette en or calculée aux cours du Haikouan Tael par rapport à la monnaie d’or de chaque pays tels qu’ils sont indiqués ci-après:

1 Haikouan tael = marks 3.055.
= couronnes austro-hongroises 3.595.
= dollar or 0.742.
= francs 3.750.
= livre sterling 0 shillings 3 pence 0.
= yen 1.407.
= florin néerlandais 1.796.
= rouble or 1.412 (au titre de dolia 17,424).

Cette somme en or sera productive d’intérêts à quatre pour cent l’an et le capital en sera remboursé par la Chine en trente-neuf années [Page 309] dans les conditions indiquées au plan d’amortissement ci-joint (annexe No. 13).

Le capital et les intérêts seront payables en or ou aux taux de change correspondant aux dates des diverses échéances.

Le fonctionnement de l’amortissement commencera le 1 Janvier 1902 pour finir à l’expiration de l’année 1940. Les amortissements seront payables annuellement, la première échéance étant fixée au 1 Janvier 1903.

Les intérêts seront comptés à partir du 1 Juillet 1901, mais le Gouvernement chinois aura la faculté de se libérer, dans un délai de trois ans, commencant le 1 Janvier 1902, des arrérages du premier semestre finissant le 31 Décembre 1901, à la condition toutefois de payer des intérêts composés à quatre pour cent l’an sur les sommes dont le versement aura ainsi été différé. Les intérêts seront payables semestriellement, la première échéance étant fixée au 1 Juillet 1902.

(a) Le service de la dette sera effectué à Shanghai et de la manière suivante:

Chaque Puissance se fera représenter par un délégué dans une Commission de banquiers qui sera chargée d’encaisser le montant des intérêts et des amortissements qui lui sera versé par des autorités chinoises designées à cet effet, de le répartir entre les intéressés et d’en donner quittance.

(c) Le Gouvernement chinois remettra au Doyen du Corps Diplomatique à Pékin un bon global qui sera transformé ultérieurement en coupures revêtues de la signature des délégués du Gouvernement chinois désignés & cet effet. Cette opération et toutes celles se rapportant & l’établissement des titres seront effectuées par la Commission précitée conformément aux instructions que les Puissances enverront à leurs délégués.

(d) Le produit des ressources affectées au payement des bons sera versé mensuellement entre les mains de la Commission.

(e) Les ressources affectées à la garantie des bons sont énumérées ci-après:

Le reliquat des revenues de la Douane maritime Impériale après payement de l’intérêt et de l’amortissement des emprunts antérieurs gagés sur ces revenus, augmentés du produit de l’élévation à cinq pour cent effectifs du tarif actuel sur les importations maritimes, y compris les articles qui jusqu’à présent entraient en franchise, à l’exception du riz, des céréales et des farines de provenance étrangère, ainsi que de Por et de l’argent monnayés ou non monnayés.
Les revenus des douanes indigénes, administrées dans les ports ouverts par la Douane maritime Impériale.
L’ensemble des revenue de la gabelle, sous réserve de la fraction affectée précédemment à d’autres emprunts étrangers.

L’élévation du tarif actuel sur les importations à cinq pour cent effectifs est consentie aux conditions ci-après.

La mise en vigueur de cette élévation commencera deux mois après la date de la signature du prèsent protocole, et il ne sera fait d’exeeption que pour les marchandises en cours de route au plus tard dix jours après cette date.

Tous les droits sur les importations, perçus “ad valorem,” seront convertis en droits spéeifiques autant qu’il sera possible de le faire et dans leplus bref délai. Cette conversion sera établie comme suit: On prendra comme base d’évaluation la valeur moyenne des marchandises [Page 310] au moment de leur débarquement pendant les trois années 1897, 1898 et 1899, c’est-à-dire la valeur de marché déduction faite du montant des droits d’entrée et des frais accessoires. En attendant le résultat de cette conversion les droits seront perçus “ad valorem.”
Le cours du Peiho et celui du Whangpou seront améliorés avec la participation financière de la Chine.

Article VII.

Le Gouvernement chinois a accepté que le quartier occupé par les légations fût considéré comme un quartier spécialement réservé a leur usage et placé sous leur police exclusive, où les Chinois n’auraient pas le droit de résider, et qui pourrait être mis en état de défense.

Les limites de ce quartier ont été ainsi fixées sur le plan ci-joint (annexe No. 14):

  • à l’ouest, la ligne 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • au Nord, la ligne 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • à l’Est, la rue Ketteler: 10, 11, 12
  • au Sud, la ligne 12–1,

tirée le long du pied extérieur de la muraille tartare en suivant les bastions.

Par le protocole annexé à la lettre du 16 Janvier 1901 la Chine a reconnue à chaque Puissance le droit d’entretenir une garde permanente dans le dit quartier pour la défense de sa légation.

Article VIII.

Le Gouvernement chinois a consenti à faire raser les forts de Takou et ceux qui pourraient emêgcher les libres communications entre Pékin et la mer. Des dispositions ont été prises à cet effet.

Article IX.

Le Gouvernement chinois a reconnu aux Puissances par le Protocole annexé a la lettre du 16 Janvier 1901 le droit d’occuper certains points, à déterminer par un accord entre Elles, pour maintenir les communications libres entre la capitale et la mer. Les points occupés par les Puissances sont: Houang-ts’oun, Lang-fang, Yang-ts’oun, Tien-tsin, Kiun-leang-tch’eng, Tang-kou, Lou-tai, Tang-chan, Louan-tcheou, Tch’ang-li, Ts’in-wang-tao, Chan-hai-kouan.

Article X.

Le Gouvernement chinois s’est engagé à afficher et à publier pendant deux ans dans toutes les villes de district les Edits Impériaux suivants:

Edit du Février 1901 (annexe No. 15) portant défense perpétu-elle sous peine de mort de faire partie d’une société anti-etrangère.
Edits des 13 et 25 Février, 29 Avril et 19 Août contenant l’énu-mération des peines qui ont été infligées aux coupables.
Edit du 19 Août 1901 supprimant les examens dans toutes les villes où des étrangers ont été massacrés ou ont subi des traitements cruels.
Edit du 1 Février 1901 (annexe No. 16) déclarant que tous les gouverneurs-généraux, gouverneurs et fonctionnaires provinciaux ou [Page 311] locaux sont responsables de l’ordre dans leur circonscription et qu’en cas de nouveaux troubles anti-étrangers ou encore d’autres infractions aux traités qui n’auraient pas été immédiatement réprimés et dont les coupables n’auraient pas été punis, ces fonctionnaires seront immédiatement révoqués sans pouvoir être appelés à de nouvelles fonctions ni recevoir de nouveaux honneurs.

L’affichage de ces édits se poursuit progressivement dans tout l’Empire.

Article XI.

Le Gouvernement chinois s’est engagé à négocier les amendements jugés utiles par les Gouvernements étrangers aux traités de commerce et de navigation et les autres sujets touchant aux relations commer-ciales dans le but de les faciliter.

Dès maintenant et par suite des stipulations inscrites à l’article VI au sujet de l’indemnité, le Gouvernement chinois s’engage à concourir à l’amélioration du cours des rivières Pei’ho et Whangpou comme il est dit ci-dessous.

Les travaux d’amélioration de la navigabilité du Peiho, commencés en 1898 avec la coopération du Gouvernement chinois, ont été repris sous la direction d’une Commission internationale. Aussitôt après que l’administration de Tien tsin aura été remise au Gouvernement chinois, celui-ci pourra se faire représenter dans cette commission et versera chaque année une somme de soixante mille Haikouan taels pour l’entretien des travaux.
Il est créé un Conseil fluvial chargé de la direction et du contrôle des travaux de rectification du Whangpou et d’amélioration du cours de cette rivière.

Ce Conseil est composé de membres représentant les intérêts du Gouvernement chinois et ceux des étrangers dans le commerce maritime de Shanghai. Les frais nécessités par les travaux et l’administration generate de l’entreprise sont évalués à la somme annuelle de quatre cent soixante mille Haikouan taels pendant les vingt premières années. Cette somme sera fournie par moitiés par le Gouvernement chinois et par les intéressés étrangers. Le détail des stipulations se rapportant à la composition, aux attributions et aux revenus du Conseil fluvial fait l’objet de l’annexe (annexe No. 17).

Article XII.

Un Edit Impérial du 24 juillet 1901 (annexe No. 18), a réformé l’Ofiice des affaires étrangères (Tsong-li Yamen), dans le sens indiqué par les Puissances, c’est-à-dire l’a transformé en un Ministère des affaires etrangères (Wai-wou pou), qui prend rang avant les six autres Ministères d’Etat; le même edit a nommé les principaux membres de ce Ministère.

Un accord s’est ètabli ègalement au sujet de la modification du cérémonial de Cour relatif à la réception des Représentants étrangers, et a fait l’objet de plusieurs notes des Plénipotentiaires chinois résumées dans un memorandum ci-joint (annexe No. 19).

Enfin il est expressément entendu que, pour les déclarations susénoncées et les documents annexés émanant des Plénipotentiaires étrangers, le texte francais fait seul foi.

Le Gouvernement chinois s’étant ainsi conformé, à la satisfaction des [Page 312] Puissances, aux conditions énumérées dans la Note précitée de 22 décembre 1900, les Puissances ont accédé au désir de la Chine de voir cesser la situation créée par les désordres de l’été 1900. En conséquence les Plénipotentiaires étrangers sont autorisés à déclarer au nom de leurs Gouvernements que, à l’exception des gardes des légations mentionnées à l’article VII, les troupes internationales évacueront complètement la ville de Pékin le 17 septembre 1901 et, à l’exception des endroits mentionnés à l’article IX, se retireront de la province du Tcheli le 22 septembre.

Le présent Protocole final a été établi en douze exemplaires identiques et signés par tous les Plénipotentiaires des Pays Contractants. Un exemplaire sera remis à chacun des Plénipotentiaires étrangers et un exemplaire sera remis aux Plénipotentiaires chinois.

  • A v Mumm
  • M. Czikann
  • Joostens
  • B. J. de Cologan
  • W. W. Rockhill
  • Beau
  • Ernest Satow.
  • Salvago Raggi
  • Jutaro Komura
  • F. M. Knobel
  • M. de Giers

{Signatures et sceaux des Plénipotentiaires chinois.}


The plenipotentiaries of Germany, His Excellency M. A. Mumm von Schwarzenstein; of Austria-Hungary, His Excellency M. M. Czikann von Wahlborn; of Belgium, His Excellency M. Joostens; of Spain, M. B. J. de Cologan; of the United States, His Excellency M. W. W. Rockhill; of France, His Excellency M. Paul Beau; of Great Britain, His Excellency Sir Ernest Satow; of Italy, Marquis Salvago Raggi; of Japan, His Excellency M. Jutaro Komura; of the Netherlands, His Excellency M. F. M. Knobel; of Russia, His Excellency M. M. de Giers; and of China, His Highness Yi-K’uang Prince Ching of the first rank, President of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and His Excellency Li Hung-chang, Earl of Su-i of the first rank, Tutor of the Heir Apparent, Grand Secretary of the Wen-hua Throne Hall, Minister of commerce, Superintendent of the northern trade, Governor-General of Chihli, have met for the purpose of declaring that China has complied to the satisfaction of the Powers with the conditions laid down in the note of the 22d of December, 1900, and which were accepted in their entirety by His Majesty the. Emperor of China in a decree dated the 27th of December. (Annex No. 1.)

Article Ia.

By an Imperial Edict of the 9th of June last (Annex No. 2), Tsai Feng, Prince of Ch’ün, was appointed Ambassador of His Majesty the [Page 313] Emperor of China, and directed in that capacity to convey to His Majesty the German Emperor the expression of the regrets of His Majesty the Emperor of China and of the Chinese Government for the assassination of His Excellency the late Baron von Ketteler, German minister.

Prince Ch’ün left Peking the 12th of July last to carry out the orders which had been given him.

Article Ib.

The Chinese Government has stated that it will erect on the spot of the assassination of His Excellency the late Baron von Ketteler a commemorative monument, worthy of the rank of the deceased, and bearing an inscription in the Latin, German, and Chinese languages, which shall express the regrets of His Majesty the Emperor of China for the murder committed.

Their Excellencies the Chinese Plenipotentiaries have informed His Excellency the German Plenipotentiary, in a letter dated the 22nd of July last (Annex No. 3) that an arch of the whole width of the street would be erected on the said spot, and that work on it was begun the 25th of June last.

Article IIa.

Imperial Edicts of the 13th and 21st of February, 1901 (Annexes Nos. 4, 5, and é), inflicted the following punishments on the principal authors of the outrages and crimes committed against the foreign Governments and their nationals:

Tsai-I Prince Tuan and Tsai Lan Duke Fu-kuo were sentenced to be brought before the autumnal court of assize for execution, and it was agreed that if the Emperor saw fit to grant them their lives, they should be exiled to Turkestan and there imprisoned for life, without the possibility of commutation of these punishments.

Tsai Hsün Prince Chuang, Ying Nien, President of the Court of censors, and Chao Shu-Chiao, President of the Board of punishments, were condemned to commit suicide.

Yü Hsien, Governor of Shanhsi, Chi Hsiu, President of the Board of rites, and Hsü Cheng-yu, formerly senior vice-President of the Board of punishments, were condemned to death.

Posthumous degradation was inflicted on Kang Yi, assistant Grand Secretary, President of the Board of works, Hsü Tung, Grand Secretary, and Li Ping-heng, formerly Governor-General of Szu-ch’uan.

An Imperial Edict of February 13th, 1901 (Annex No. 7), rehabilitated the memories of Hsü Yung-yi, President of the Board of war, Li Shan, President of the Board of works, Hsu Ching-cheng, senior vice-President of the Board of works, Lien Yuan, vice-Chancellor of the Grand Council, and Yuan Chang, vice-President of the Court of sacrifices, who had been put to death for having protested against the outrageous breaches of international law of last year.

Prince Chuang committed suicide the 21st of February, 1901, Ying Nien and Chao Shu-chiao the 24th, Yü Hsien was executed the 22nd, Chi Hsiu and Hsü Cheng-yu on the 26th. Tung Fu-hsiang, General in Kan-su, has been deprived of his office by Imperial Edict of the 13th of February, 1901, pending the determination of the final punishment to be inflicted on him.

[Page 314]

Imperial Edicts dated the 29th of April and 19th of August, 1901, have inflicted various punishments on the provincial officials convicted of the crimes and outrages of last summer.

Article IIa.

An Imperial Edict promulgated the 19th of August, 1901 (Annex No. 8), ordered the suspension of, official examinations for five years in all cities where foreigners were massacred or submitted to cruel treatment.

Article III.

So as to make honorable reparation for the assassination of Mr. Sugiyama, chancellor of the Japanese legation, His Majesty the Emperor of China by an Imperial Edict of the 18th of June, 1901 (Annex No. 9), appointed Na Tung, vice-President of the Board of revenue, to be his Envoy Extraordinary, and specially directed him to convey to His Majesty the Emperor of Japan the expression of the regrets of His Majesty the Emperor of China and of his Government at the assassination of the late Mr. Sugiyama.

Article IV.

The Chinese Government has agreed to erect an expiatory monument in each of the foreign or international cemeteries which were desecrated and in which the tombs were destroyed.

It has been agreed with the Representatives of the Powers that the legations interested shall settle the details for the erection of these monuments, China bearing all the expenses thereof, estimated at ten thousand taels for the cemeteries at Peking and within its neighborhood, and at five thousand taels for the cemeteries in the provinces. The amounts have been paid and the list of these cemeteries is enclosed herewith. (Annex No. 10.)

Article V.

China has agreed to prohibit the importation into its territory of arms and ammunition, as well as of materials exclusively used for the manufacture of arms and ammunition.

An Imperial Edict has been issued on the 25th of August, 1901 (Annex No. 11), forbidding said importation for a term of two years. New Edicts may be issued subsequently extending this by other successive terms of two years in case of necessity recognized by the Powers.

Article VI.

By an Imperial Edict dated the 29th of May, 1901 (Annex No. 12), His Majesty the Emperor of China agreed to pay the Powers an indemnity of four hundred and fifty millions of Haikwan Taels. This sum represents the total amount of the indemnities for States, companies or societies, private individuals, and Chinese referred to in Article VI of the note of December 22nd, 1900.

(a) These four hundred and fifty millions constitute a gold debt calculated [Page 315] at the rate of the Haikwan tael to the gold currency of each country, as indicated below.

Haikwan tale =marks 3.055
=Austro-Hungary crown 3.595
=gold dollar 0.742
=francs 3.750
=pound sterling 3s. 0d.
=yen 1.407
=Netherlands florin 1.796
=gold rouble (17.424 dolias fine) 1.412

This sum in gold shall bear interest at 4 per cent per annum, and the capital shall be reimbursed by China in thirty-nine years in the manner indicated in the annexed plan of amortization. (Annex No. 13).

Capital and interest shall be payable in gold or at the rates of exchange corresponding to the dates at which the different payments fall due.

The amortization shall commence the 1st of January, 1902, and shall finish at the end of the year 1940. The amortizations are payable annually, the first payment being fixed on the 1st of January, 1903.

Interest shall run from the 1st of July, 1901, but the Chinese Government shall have the right to pay off within a term of three years, beginning January, 1902, the arrears of the first six months, ending the 31st of December, 1901, on condition, however, that it pays compound nterest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum on the sums the payments of which shall have thus been deferred. Interest shall be payable semiannually, the first payment being fixed on the 1st of July, 1902.

(b) The service of the debt shall take place in Shanghai, in the following manner:

Each Power shall be represented by a delegate on a commission of bankers authorized to receive the amount of interest and amortization which shall be paid to it by the Chinese authorities designated for that purpose, to divide it among the interested parties, and to give a receipt for the same.

(c) The Chinese Government shall deliver to the Doyen of the Diplomatic Corps at Peking a bond for the lump sum, which shall subsequently be converted into fractional bonds bearing the signatures of the delegates of the Chinese Government designated for that purpose. This operation and all those relating to issuing of the bonds shall be performed by the above-mentioned Commission, in accordance with the instructions which the Powers shall send their delegates.

(d) The proceeds of the revenues assigned to the payment of the bonds shall be paid monthly to the Commission.

(e) The revenues assigned as security for the bonds are the following:

The balance of the revenues of the Imperial maritime Customs after payment of the interest and amortization of preceding loans secured on these revenues, plus the proceeds of the raising to five per cent effective of the present tariff on maritime imports, including articles until now on the free list, but exempting foreign rice, cereals, and flour, gold and silver bullion and coin.
The revenues of the native customs, administered in the open ports by the Imperial maritime Customs.
The total revenues of the salt gabelle, exclusive of the fraction previously set aside for other foreign loans.

The raising of the present tariff on imports to five per cent effective is agreed to on the conditions mentioned below.

[Page 316]

It shall be put in force two months after the signing of the present protocol, and no exceptions shall be made except for merchandise shipped not more than ten days after the said signing.

All duties levied on imports “ad valorem” shall be converted as far as possible and as soon as may be into specific duties. This conversion shall be made in the following manner: The average value of merchandise at the time of their landing during the three years 1897, 1898, and 1899, that is to say, the market price less the amount of import duties and incidental expenses, shall be taken as the basis for the valuation of merchandise, rending the result of the work of conversion, duties shall be levied “ad valorem.”
The beds of the rivers Peiho and Whangpu shall be improved with the financial participation of China.

Article VII.

The Chinese Government has agreed that the quarter occupied by the legations shall be considered as one specially reserved for their use and placed under their exclusive control, in which Chinese shall not have the right to reside and which may be made defensible.

The limits of this quarter have been fixed as follows on the annexed plan (Annex No. 14):

  • On the west, the line 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
  • On the north, the line 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
  • On the east, Ketteler street (10, 11, 12).

Drawn along the exterior base of the Tartar wall and following the line of the bastions, on the south the line 12.1.

In the protocol annexed to the letter of the 16th of January, 1901, China recognized the right of each Power to maintain a permanent guard in the said quarter for the defense of its legation.

Article VIII.

The Chinese Government has consented to raze the forts of Taku and those which might impede free communication between Peking and the sea; steps have been taken for carrying this out.

Article IX.

The Chinese Government has conceded the right to the Powers in the protocol annexed to the letter of the 16th of January, 1901, to occupy certain points, to be determined by an agreement between them, for the maintenance of open communication between the capital and the sea. The points occupied by the powers are:

Huang-tsun, Lang-fang, Yang-tsun, Tientsin, Chun-liang Ch’eng, Tang-ku, Lu-tai, Tang-shan, Lan-chou, Chang-li, Ch’in-wang tao, Shan-hai kuan.

Article X.

The Chinese Government has agreed to post and to have published during two years in all district cities the following Imperial edicts:

Edict of the 1st of February (Annex No. 15), prohibiting forever, under pain of death, membership in any antiforeign society.
Edicts of the 13th and 21st February, 29th April, and 19th August, enumerating the punishments inflicted on the guilty.
Edict of the 19th August, 1901, prohibiting examinations in all cities where foreigners were massacred or subjected to cruel treatment.
Edict of the 1st of February, 1901 (Annex No. 16), declaring all governors-general, governors, and provincial or local officials responsible for order in their respective districts, and that in case of new antiforeign troubles or other infractions of the treaties which shall not be immediately repressed and the authors of which shall not have been punished, these officials shall be immediately dismissed, without possibility of being given new functions or new honors.

The posting of these edicts is being carried on throughout the Empire.

Article XI.

The Chinese Government has agreed to negotiate the amendments deemed necessary by the foreign Governments to the treaties of commerce and navigation and the other subjects concerning commercial relations, with the object of facilitating them.

At present, and as a result of the stipulation contained in Article VI concerning the indemnity, the Chinese Government agrees to assist in the improvement of the courses of the rivers Peiho and Whangpu, as stated below.

The works for the improvement of the navigability of the Peiho, begun in 1898 with the cooperation of the Chinese Government, have been resumed under the direction of an international Commission. As soon as the administration of Tientsin shall have been handed back to the Chinese Government, it will be in a position to be represented on this commission, and will pay each year a sum of sixty thousand Haikwan taels for maintaining the works.
A conservancy Board, charged with the management and control of the works for straightening the Whangpu and the improvement of the course of that river, is hereby created.

This Board shall consist of members representing the interests of the Chinese Government and those of foreigners in the shipping trade of Shanghai. The expenses incurred for the works and the general management of the undertaking are estimated at the annual sum of four hundred and sixty thousand Haikwan taels for the first twenty years. This sum shall be supplied in equal portions by the Chinese Government and the foreign interests concerned. Detailed stipulations concerning the composition, duties, and revenues of the conservancy board are embodied in annex No. 17.

Article XII.

An Imperial Edict of the 24th of July, 1901 (annex No. 18), reformed the Office of foreign affairs, (Tsungli Yamen), on the lines indicated by the Powers, that is to say, transformed it into a Ministry of foreign affairs (Wai-wu Pu), which takes precedence over the six other Ministries of State. The same edict appointed the principal members of this Ministry.

An agreement has also been reached concerning the modification of Court ceremonial as regards the reception of foreign Representatives and has been the subject of several notes from the Chinese Plenipotentiaries, the substance of which is embodied in a memorandum herewith annexed (annex No. 19).

[Page 318]

Finally, it is expressly understood that as regards the declarations specified above and the annexed documents originating with the foreign Plenipotentiaries, the French text only is authoritative.

The Chinese Government having thus complied to the satisfaction of the Powers with the conditions laid down in the above-mentioned note of December 22nd, 1900, the Powers have agreed to accede to the wish of China to terminate the situation created by the disorders of the summer of 1900. In consequence thereof the foreign Plenipotentiaries are authorized to declare in the names of their Governments that, with the exception of the legation guards mentioned in Article VII, the international troops will completely evacuate the city of Peking on the 17th September, 1901 and, with the exception of the localities mentioned in Article IX, will withdraw from the province of Chihli on the 22d of September.

The present final Protocol has been drawn up in twelve identic copies and signed by all the Plenipotentiaries of the Contracting Countries. One copy shall be given to each of the foreign Plenipotentiaries, and one copy shall be given to the Chinese Plenipotentiaries.

  • A. v. Mumm.
  • M. Czikann.
  • B. J. de Cologan.
  • W. W. Rockhill.
  • Beau.
  • Ernest Satow.
  • Salvago Raggi.
  • Jutaro Komura.
  • F. M. Knobel.
  • M. be Giers.

{Signatures and seals of Chinese plenipotentiaries.}


No. 1.
Imperial Edict of 27 December, 1900.
Imperial Edict of 9 June, 1901.
Letter of the Chinese plenipotentiaries of 22 July, 1901.
Imperial Edict of 13 February, 1901.
Imperial Edict of 13 February, 1901.
Imperial Edict of 21 February, 1901.
Imperial Edict of 13 February, 1901.
Imperial Edict of 19 August, 1901.
Imperial Edict of 18 June, 1901.
List of desecrated cemeteries.
Imperial Edict of 25 August, 1901.
Imperial Edict of 29 May, 1901.
Table of amortization.
Plan of the diplomatic quarter and notice.
Imperial Edict of 1st February, 1901.
Imperial Edict of 1st February, 1901.
Regulations for the improvement of the Whangpu.
Imperial Edict of 24 July, 1901.
Memorandum concerning court ceremonial.
[Page 319]

Annex No. 1.

IMPERIAL EDICT of the 27th December, 1900 (translation).

[Seal of the Emperor.]

The 6th day of the 11th moon of the 26th year of Kuang-hsü (27 December, 1900), the following Edict was rendered:

“We have taken cognizance of the whole telegram of Yi-K’uang and Li Hung-chang. It is proper that We accept in their entirety the twelve articles which they have submitted to us.”

Respect this!

Correct copy.
  • A. d’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.

Annex No. 2.

IMPERIAL EDICT of the 9th of June, 1901 (translation).

“We confer on Tsai Feng, Prince Ch’ün of the first rank, the title of Ambassador extraordinary, and We direct him to proceed to Germany to respectfully discharge the mission which We confide to him.

“Chang Yi, reader of the Grand Chancellery, and Yin Ch’ang, military Lieutenant-Governor, shall accompany him as secretaries.

“Respect this!”

Correct copy.
  • A. d’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.

Annex No. 3.

Despatch of Prince Ching and of Li Hung-chang of the 22 July, 1901, to His Excellency M. de Mumm, German Plenipotentiary (Translation.)

Official reply.

On the 3d day of the 5th moon of the present year (18th of June, 1901), We have received from Your Excellency the following official communication:

“Messrs. Jui-liang, secretary, and, Lien-fang, expectant taotai, delegates entrusted with carrying out Article I of the Joint Note providing for the erection of a commemorative monument on the place of the assassination of Baron von Ketteler, former Minister of Germany, commenced some time ago the discussion of the subject with my Legation, and have taken up the question of the plan of this monument.

“During frequent conversations they have stated that if it were necessary that a commemorative arch in marble, from Ta-li and extending the whole width of the avenue of Ch’ung-wen-men, should be erected on the spot of the assassination, the work would require a great deal of time, in view of the difficulty in transporting the materials; [Page 320] but as to adopting some other means, either of transferring to the place of the assassination an archway erected at the present time in some other spot, or of putting up a new arch, or of using an old archway to be transported to the place, they left this to the determination of my Government.

“I at once telegraphed my Government to inform me of its views.

“The reply which I have just received informs me that His Majesty the Emperor of Germany has himself decided that a new archway extending across the whole width of the street should be put up.

“I have consequently to urgently request you to take immediate steps, so that the work may begin at once.”

We, Prince and Minister, have at once directed the said secretary and taotai to act in conformity. According to the report which they have sent us, “the work was begun on the 10th day of the 5th moon (25th of June) by the foundations. But a certain length of time is necessary for getting out the stone, cutting it and for the transportation of materials; and the only thing that can be done is to watch that the workmen use their best endeavors to carry on promptly the work.”

Besides having directed that We should be kept informed of the execution of the work, We deem it necessary to send the present official reply to Your Excellency, requesting you to take note of it.

Correct copy.
  • A. d’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.

Annex No. 4.

IMPERIAL EDICT of the 13th of February, 1901 (Translation).

Since the 5th moon (end of May) the Boxers have created trouble in the capital and have begun hostilities against friendly countries. Yi-K’uang and Li Hung-chang are negotiating for peace at Peking with Representatives of the Powers, and a whole preliminary arrangement has already been signed.

(If) We consider the commencement of these events, we find that they are attributable to several stupid Princes and Ministers, insane, absolutely ignorant, turbulent, and who have ignored the laws. They had most absolute confidence in pernicious methods and have led on the Court. Not only did they refuse to obey Our orders to exterminate the Boxers, but they have been so far as to believe in them and, stupidly, they began to attack (the Legations). So it was that this evil fire spread abroad, and circumstances did not permit of its being stopped, several tens of thousands of evil-doers having assembled at the elbow and the armpit (that is to say, at the most important points). Furthermore, the leaders forced generals and ignorant soldiers to attack the Legations, and so it befell that inconceivable evils persisted for several months.

The tutelary deities of the Empire have been in danger, the Imperial tombs and the temples of Ancestors have trembled, the country has been devastated; the inhabitants are plunged in misery. No words [Page 321] can express the dangers which We and H. M. the Empress Dowager have been exposed to. Our heart and Our head are still painful; Our tears and Our resentment are confounded. It is to you, Princes and Ministers, who, by believing in evil words and allowing evil-doers free hand, have put in danger in Heaven our Ancestors and Our gods, and who here below have caused the people to endure these calamities. Do you ask what punishments you deserve?

We have already issued two decrees. But, considering that such light punishments for such grievous faults could not be sufficient to make you expiate your crimes, We must impose upon you new and more severe punishments according to your degree of guilt.

Tsai-hsün, Prince Chuang, already degraded, allowed the Boxers to attack the Legations. He, on his own authority, published proclamations contrary to the treaties; he lightly believed the statements of evil-doers; he unlawfully caused to be decapitated a great number of persons; he has shown himself, of a truth, vulgar and stupid. We invite him, as a favor, to commit suicide. We direct Ko-pao-hua, acting president of the Court of Censors, to go and see (that the suicide has taken place).

Tsai-I, Prince Tuan, already degraded, led away with him several Princes and Peilo (Princes of the 3d class). He foolishly gave heed to the Boxers and stupidly advised fighting. So all these troubles broke out; his faults, of a truth, can not be ignored. Tsai-lan, Duke Fu-kuo, reduced in rank, in concert with Tsai-hsün, foolishly published proclamations contrary to the treaties. He should also be punished for his faults. We deprive them of their nobiliary titles, but, considering that they belong to our family, we order, by special act of grace, that they be sent to Hsin-chiang (Ili) where they shall be condemned to prison for life. Deputies shall be at first sent to watch them.

Yü-hsien, degraded governor, foolishly believed, when formerly discharging the duties of governor in Shantung, in the charms of the Boxers. Arriving in Peking, he extolled them so highly that several Princes and Ministers fell under his evil influence. Being governor of Shansi, he massacred a great number of missionaries and Christians. He is worse than an imbecile, than a fool, than a murderer; he is the chief culprit and the author of all these calamities. He has already been sent to Hsin-chiang, and, believing that he has arrived in Kan-su, We order that, on the receipt of the order which We send, he shall be at once beheaded. We direct the Provincial Judge Ho Fu-kun to see that the penalty is carried out.

Kang-yi, Assistant Grand Secretary of State, President of the Board of Works, having lent his aid to the Boxers, serious disturbances broke out. He aided in publishing proclamations contrary to the treaties. A severe punishment was to have been inflicted on him at first, but he has died of disease. We order that the honors which he previously held shall be withdrawn from him and that he be at once degraded.

Tung Fu-hsiang, general in Kan-su, degraded but retained in office, entered (Peking) to defend (the city) with the troops under his orders; he was unable to maintain strict discipline. Ignorant, furthermore, of international questions, he followed his ideas and acted in an inconsiderate manner. Although the attacks on the Legations were ordered him by the above degraded Princes, it is nevertheless difficult to absolve him of all faults. We intended in the first instance to have punished [Page 322] him severely, but, considering the signal services he has rendered in Kan-su and the sympathy felt for him by Mussulman and Chinese, as an act of extraordinary grace, We order that he shall be immediately degraded.

Ying-nien, President of the Court of Censors, reduced in rank and displaced, opposed Tsai-hsün publishing on his own authority proclamations contrary to the treaties. We may make due allowance for this circumstance, but as he was not able to overcome (this resistance) by force, it is, after all, difficult to absolve him. We order, as a mark of great benevolence, that he be degraded. We condemn him to death, and he shall await in prison that his case be passed on.

Chao Shu-chiao, President of the Board of Punishments, degraded and retained in office, had never shown till then any unfriendly feeling in relations with the Foreign Powers. Having made a report on the Boxers, he said nothing in their favor, but through his negligence faults were made. We order, as a special act of grace, that he be degraded. We condemn him to death, and he will await in prison that his case be passed on.

We command that Ying-nien and Chao Shu-chiao be in the first place confined in the prison of the capital of Shensi.

Hsu Tung, Grand Secretary of State, and Li Ping-heng, former Governor-General of Sze-chuan, reduced in rank and displaced, died for their country, but everyone knows their faults. We order that they be degraded, and We deprive them of the posthumous honors which We had conferred on them.

After the promulgation of this decree all our friendly nations should recognize that the events caused by the Boxers are in truth only attributable to the principal authors of trouble and in no wise to the wishes of the Court.

We, the Emperor, not lightly punishing several of the principal authors of trouble, the officials and the people of the Empire will understand at once that the consequences of such acts are most serious.

Respect this!”

Correct copy.
  • A. d’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.

Annex No. 5.

IMPERIAL EDICT of the 13 February, 1901. (Translation.)

Ch’i-hsiu, president of the Board of Rites, and Hsü Cheng-yu, formerly senior Vice-President of the Board of Punishments, are in the first place to be degraded.

We order Yi K’uang and Li Hung-chang to obtain exact proof of their guilt and to send Us at once a report. They shall be punished with the greatest severity.

Respect this!”

Correct copy.
  • A. d’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.
[Page 323]

Annex No. 6.

IMPERIAL EDICT of the 21 February, 1901 (Translation).

Edict published and sent telegraphically the 3rd day of the 1st moon (21 February, 1901), and received on the 4th by the Grand Chancellery.

“By a former Edict We had already severely punished, according to the several cases, all the high officials, the principal authors of the present misfortunes. But We received some time ago a telegraphic report from Yi-K’uang and Li Hung-chang telling Us that, according to an official despatch from the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the various Powers, new and severer punishments were necessary, and begging Us to take action.

“Besides Tsai-hsün, who has been ordered to commit suicide, and Yü-hsien, against whom has been pronounced the penalty of immediate decapitation, and for each of whom deputies have been ordered to go see that (the sentences have been carried out), We decide that the penalty to be inflicted on Tsai-yi (Prince Tuan) and Tsai-lan (Duke Lan) is decapitation with reprieve; nevertheless, in view of the relationship in which they stand to Us, We show them the special act of grace of sending them to the frontier of the Empire, in Turkestan, where they shall be imprisoned for life. A deputy to take them under escort shall be designated, and shall leave at once.

“As to Kang-yi, whose crimes were greater, the penalty should have been immediate decapitation, but as he has already died of disease, as an act of grace, he shall be spared further inquiry into his case.

“As regards Ying-nien and Chao Shu-chiao, whose punishments, according to Our former decisions, were to have been decapitation with reprieve, We command that they be requested to commit suicide, and We direct Ch’en Ch’un-huan, Governor of Shan-si, to go and verify (their deaths).

“As to Ch’i-hsiu and Hsü Cheng-yu, whom the Powers designate as the most ardent protectors of the Boxer bandits, and as having most particularly done harm to foreigners, We had previously ordered their degradation; We (now) order Yi-K’uang and Li Hung-chang to ask the Powers, by despatch, for their surrender, and to have them executed at once. One of the Presidents of the Board of Punishments shall be directed to verify (their execution).

“As to Hsü Tung, who compromised the great general interests by putting his confidence in the Boxers, and Li Ping-heng, whose bragging ways directly brought about these misfortunes, the punishment which should have been theirs was decapitation with reprieve; but taking into consideration the fact that they committed suicide when they saw the disaster coming, and that they have already been degraded, and that the posthumous honors which had been granted them have been annulled and withdrawn, it is needless to take up their cases.

“The nature of the crimes committed by all the principal authors of the wrong has been set forth in a clear and detailed way in previous decrees.

Respect this!”

Correct copy.
  • A. D’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.
[Page 324]

Annex No.7.

IMPERIAL EDICT of the 13th February, 1901 (Translation).

“The trouble brought about by the Boxers during the 5th moon (May-June) having spread from day to day, the Court had two difficult methods to adopt—to take coercitive measures or to pacify them. In the hope that a line of conduct would be shown Us the Ministers were several times called in audience.

“We have repeatedly questioned Hsü Yung-yi, President of the Board of War, Li-shan, President of the Board of Finance, Hsü Ching-cheng, senior vice-President of the Board of Works, Lien-Yuan, vice Chancellor of the Grand Council, Yuan-chang, vice-President of the Court of Sacrificial Worship.

“In their speech and in their mind all admitted that the two methods were possible. Several Ministers, instigators of trouble, availing themselves of this fact, unjustly accused them, handed in memorials in which they denounced them. So it came about that they were severely punished in their persons.

“But considering that Hsü Yung-yi and the others showed great zeal for many years and have always had charge of international questions, that they may have been faithful, and that they had shown themselves industrious, We should grant them a favor.

“We command that Li-shan, Hsü Yung-yi, Hsü Cing-cheng, Lien-Yuan, and Yuan-chang be restored to their former honors.

“Let the ministry concerned be informed.

“Respect this!”.

Correct copy.
  • A. D’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.

Annex No. 8.

IMPERIAL EDICT of the 19th August, 1901 (Translation).

Edict received by the Grand Chancellery the 6th day of the 7th moon of the 27th year Kuang-hsü (19 August, 1901).

“Considering the report of this day by which Yi-K’uang and Li Hung-chang inform Us that the foreign Powers have decided on the suspension during five years of civil and military examinations in the localities where troubles have taken place;

“Considering that it is declared that this suspension shall remain applicable to the local examinations for licentiates of Shun-t’ien and of T’ai-yuan;

“Considering the list comprising the localities of—

  • “Province of Shan-si: T’ai-yuan Fu, Hsin-chou, Tai-ku Hsien, Ta-t’ung Fu, Fen-chou Fu, Hsiao-i Hsien, Ch’u-wo Hsien, Ta-ning Hsien, Ho-ching Hsien, Yueh-yang Hsien, So-p’ing Fu, Wen-shui Hsien, Shuo-yang Hsien, P’ing-yang Fu, Ch’ang-tzu Hsien, Kao-p’ing Hsien, Tse-chou Fu, Hsi Chou, P’u Hsien, Chiang-chou, Kuei-hua Ch’eng, Sui-yuan ch’eng;
  • “Province of Ho-nan; Nan-yang Fu, Kuang-chou;
  • “Province of Che-chiang: Ch’ü-chou Fu;
  • “Province of Chih-li; Pei-ching, Shun-t’ien Fu, Pao-ting Fu, Yung-ching Hsien, T’ien-ching Fu, Shun-tê Fu, Wang-tu Hsien, Huai-lu Hsien, Hsin-ngan Hsien, T’ung-chou, Wu-i Hsien, Ching-chou, Luan-ping Hsien:
  • “Three provinces of Manchuria: Shengching (=Mukden), Chia-tzŭ-ch’ang, Lien-shan, Yu-ch’ing-chieh, Pei-lin-tzŭ, Hu-lan Ch’eng;
  • “Province of Shen-si: Ning-chiang Chou;
  • “Province of Hu-nan: Heng-chou Fu;

“We command that in all these localities civil and military examinations shall be suspended during a period of five years, and We order all governors-general, governors, and examiners of the aforesaid provinces, to act in conformity and to publish proclamations.”

“Respect this!”

Correct copy.
  • A. D’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.

Annex No. 9.

IMPERIAL EDICT of 18th of June, 1901 (Translation).

Edict received by telegraph from Hsi-an-Fu the 3d day of the 5th moon (18th of June, 1901):

We confer on Na-Tung, second Vice-President of the Board of Finances, the official button of the first rank, and we designate him as special Envoy to go to Japan and to there respectfully discharge the mission We entrust to him.

Respect this!

Correct copy.
  • A. d’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.

Annex No. 10.

List of cemeteries situated in the neighborhood of Peking and which have been desecrated.

British cemetery One
French cemeteries Five
Russian cemetery One
Total Seven
Correct copy.
  • A. d’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.
[Page 326]

Annex No.11.

IMPERIAL EDICT of the 25th of August, 1901 (Translation).

We command all Tartar Generals, Governors general, and Governors of provinces, as well as the Customs taotais, to forbid, in the first place for a period of two years, the importation of implements of war as well as of material serving exclusively in their manufacture and of foreign origin.

Inform the ministry concerned.

Respect this!

Correct copy.
  • A. d’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.

Annex No. 12.

Despatch of Prince Ch’ing and Li Hung-chang to M. de Cologan, Minister of Spain, Doyen of the Diplomatic Body (29 May, 1901) (Translation).

The 12th day of the 4th moon of the 27th year of Kuang-hsü (29th May, 1901).

Official Reply.

The 7th day of the 4th moon of the present year (24 May, 1901,) we received from Your Excellency the following official despatch:

“I have the honor to acknowledge to Your Highness and Your Excellency receipt of the letter which you were pleased to send me in reply to my communication dated May 7th concerning the indemnities. In the letter to which Your Highness and Your Excellency have just replied we informed you that the approximate figure of the expenses incurred and of the losses sustained by the Powers amounted to the sum of 450 millions of taels, calculated to the 1st of July of the current year.

“In reply to this communication Your Highness and Your Excellency have informed me that the Chinese Government proposed to pay off this sum to the powers by monthly payments of 1,250,000 taels during 30 years.

“The Representatives of the Powers have not failed to transmit this proposal to their Governments. But they must call the attention of Your Highness and Your Excellency to the fact that the total of the payments proposed by the Chinese Government only represents the capital of the sum mentioned, without the question of interest having been taken account of.

“I consequently beg Your Highness and Your Excellency to be so kind as to inform us as soon as possible of the intention of the Chinese Government in this respect.”

In considering in a previous despatch the question of indemnities, we explained to Your Excellency the penury of the Chinese treasury.

In your last communication Your Excellency is pleased to call our attention to the fact that the annual payments of fifteen millions of [Page 327] taels which we proposed only represent the capital, and you now call our attention to the question of interest.

As we, on our side, had already considered that besides the capital there also had to be taken into consideration the question of annual interest at 4 per cent, we had already, by telegram, submitted to the Throne proposals on this subject, and in reply we have received an Imperial Edict, stating that “the figure of four hundred and fifty millions of indemnities to be paid the Powers, with interest at 4 per cent, is approved,” and we are commanded to take the necessary measures to carry out this decision.

We have, therefore, only to comply with the orders of the Throne.

Nevertheless this obliges us to recall to Your Excellency that the financial resources of China are so restricted that nothing more can be taken from them possibly beyond the fifteen millions of taels which we have already proposed to Your Excellency to devote specially to the payment of indemnities, but as this sum must not only furnish payment of the capital, but also that of interest, we have no other alternative to propose than to prolong the term of payments, which we had in the first place fixed at 30 years, in such a way that the instalments paid during the first period of this term thus extended shall be considered as destined to extinguish the capital, while those made during the second period shall be applied to liquidating the interest account, after which all payments would cease through the extinction of the debt. The Imperial Maritime Customs, already entrusted as we suggested, with the payments of the capital, would likewise be entrusted with the payments on account of interest. As to the amount of the annual interest, it would be understood that it would decrease proportionately every year, according to the progressive reduction of the capital.

We have the honor to request Your Excellency to kindly inform us what you think of the plan we suggest above to pay off both capital and interest, or if in your opinion it would not be better to consider a portion of the fifteen millions paid annually as an instalment on the capital to be paid off, and the balance as an instalment on the interest. These details require a careful examination, and demand a previous and full understanding between the parties.

China having thus shown its good will in assenting to the demands of the Powers on the question of the indemnity, and in taking all the necessary steps to insure an integral payment of it, we hope to have soon the satisfaction of learning that the Powers are in a position to fix an early date for the evacuation.

We have the honor to request Your Excellency to kindly communicate the above to the Representatives of the Powers.

Correct copy.
  • A. d’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.
[Page 328]

Annex No. 13.


[Page 329]
Years. Series A. Series B. Series C. Series D. Series E. Amount of sums due on Series A, B, C, D, E. Annuities of the existing debt guaranteed by the M. I. customs andlikin taxes. Aggregate amount of the foreign debt.
Tls. 75,000,000. Extinguished in 1940 by means of a yearly amortization of 1.106 per cent in 39 years, beginning in 1902. Tls. 60,000,000. Extinguished in 1940 by means of a yearly amortization of 1.783 per cent in 30 years, beginning in 1911. Tls.150,000,000. Extinguished in 1940 by means of a yearly amortization of 2.256 per cent in 26 years, beginning in 1915. Tls. 50,000,000. Extinguished in 1940 by means of a yearly amortization of 2.401 per cent in 25 years, beginning in 1916. Tls.115,000,000. Extinguished in 1940 by means of a yearly amortization of 9.449 per cent in 9 years, beginning in 1932.
Tls. Tls. Tls. Tls. Tls. Tls. Tls. Tls.
1902 Int.&am 3,829,500 Int 2,400,000 Int 6,000,000 Int 2,000,000 4,600,000 18,829,500 23,600,000 42,429,500
1903 23,300,000 42,129,500
1904 23,300,000 42,129,500
1905 24,100,000 42,929,500
1906 23,900,000 42,729,500
1907 23,700,000 42,529,500
1908 23,400,000 42,229,500
1909 23,400,000 42,229,500
1910 23,200,000 42,029,500
1911 Int.&am 3,469,800 19,899,300 22,800,000 42,699,300
1912 22,600,000 42,499,300
1913 22,400,000 42,299,300
1914 22,100,000 41,999,300
1915 Int.&am 9,384,000 23,283,300 19,400,000 42,683,300
1916 Int.&am 3,200,500 24,483,800 18,500,000 42,983,800
1917 18,500,000 42,983,800
1918 18,500,000 42,983,800
1919 18,500,000 42,983,800
1920 18,500,000 42,983,800
1921 18,500,000 42,983,800
1922 18,500,000 42,983,800
1923 18,500,000 42,983,800
1924 18,500,000 42,983,800
1925 18,500,000 42,983,800
1926 18,500,000 42,983,800
1927 18,500,000 42,983,800
1928 18,500,000 42,983,800
1929 18,500,000 42,983,800
1930 18,500,000 42,983,800
1931 18,400,000 42,883,100
1932 Int.&am 15,466,150 35,350,150 7,500,000 42,850,150
1933 6,300,000 41,650,150
1934 5,900,000 41,250,150
1935 5,900,000 41,250,150
1936 5,900,000 41,250,150
1937 5,900,000 41,250,150
1938 5,900,000 41,250,150
1939 5,900,000 41,250,150
1940 5,900,000 41,250,150
4.18433 of the whole amount of tls. 450,000,000 from the year 1902. 4.23773, or, inclusive of the foregoing rate, 4.42206 of the whole amount of tls. 450,000,000 from the year 1911. 4.752000, or, inclusive of the foregoing rate, 5.17406 of the whole amount of tls. 450,000,000 from the year 1915. 4.26677, or inclusive of the foregoing rate, 5.44083 of the whole amount of tls. 450,000,000 from the year 1916. 6.41477, or, inclusive of the foregoing rate, 7.85560 of the whole amount of tls. 450,000,000 from the year 1932. Aggregate amount to be paid, tls. 982,238,150.
Correct copy.
  • A. D’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.
[Page 330]

Annex No. 14.

Description of the boundaries of the Legation quarter at Peking.

Point 1 is situated on the south wall of the Tartar City an hundred feet to the east of the east side of the superstructure of the Ch’ien Men. From this point the boundary runs for a distance of two hundred and sixteen feet, following a line nearly due north, as far as

Point 2 southeast corner of the balustrade in white stone which encloses the open paved space before the principal entrance of the Imperial City.

From this point the boundary runs for a length of three hundred and ten feet along the east side of this balustrade, nearly directly north until

Point 3, situated on the north side of the road which forms a continuation of Legation street, and is at the intersection of the boundary line coming from 2 and of a line drawn along the continuation of the north side of the Legation street.

From this point the line runs for a length of six hundred and forty-one feet and a half (measured around and in the angles of the wall) along the north side of Legation street as far as

Point 4 at one hundred and forty-six to the west of the corner (southwest) of Gaselee road, measured along the north of Legation street.

From this point the boundary runs for a length of two thousand one hundred and fifty-two feet (measured around and in the angles of the buildings) in a general northerly direction, but following the line of the buildings now existing and, in the open spaces between the buildings, a line parallel to the general line of the buildings on the left side of Gaselee road and at one hundred and fifty-seven feet on the west side of the west side of the gate which leads from Gaselee road to the exterior court of the Imperial City, as far as

Point 5, on the south side of the south wall of the interior court of the Imperial City, and at one hundred and fifty-seven feet from the west side of the gate at the end of Gaselee road.

From this point the line runs for a distance of one thousand two hundred and eighty-eight feet nearly directly toward the east, along the wall as far as

Point 6, southeast corner of the exterior court of the Imperial City.

From there the line runs nearly directly north along the wall for a distance of two hundred and eighteen feet measured in a straight line to

Point 7, northeast corner of the exterior court.

From there the line runs nearly due east for a distance of six hundred and eighty-one feet to

Point 8, southeast corner of the wall of the Imperial City.

From there the boundary runs nearly due north for a distance of sixty-five feet along the wall to

Point 9, at sixty-five feet from the southeast corner of the wall of the Imperial City.

From there the boundary runs direct due east for a distance of three thousand and ten feet to

Point 10, on the west side of Ketteler Strasse and at three hundred feet from the angle of intersection of Ketteler Strasse and the Viale Italia.

[Page 331]

From this point the boundary runs nearly due south along the west side of Ketteler Strasse to

Point 11, northwest corner of the archway of the Hatamen, on the south wall of the Tartar City.

From there the boundary runs along the wall and includes the west ramp of the Hatamen to

Point 12, on the wall at one hundred feet to the west of the superstructure of the Hatamen.

From Point 12, the boundary follows the south side of the wall, as shown in the plan, including in it the bastions and joins 1.

The points of the plan which have been fixed are the following:

Point at one hundred and seven feet from the superstructure of the Chien-Men, measured to the east along the north side of the crest of the wall of the Tartar City.
Point on the top of the north edge of the wall of the Tartar City, exactly above the middle of the canal for the drainage of water.
Northwest corner of the superstructure of the Hatamen.

Correct copy.
  • A. d’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.

Annex No. 15.

IMPERIAL EDICT of February 1, 1901.

In all the provinces bandits called for followers and established antiforeign societies. Various edicts were issued formally forbidding this. We repeated this many times, but, nevertheless, in late years there have been in all the Shan-tung districts sects under the name of Ta-tao-huei (Great Knives Society) and I-ho-chuan (Boxers), which spread everywhere, with the object of willful murder and theft. Little by little they reached the Chi-li territory and suddenly entered the capital, where they set fire to the foreign establishments and attacked the Legations. Crimes were also committed against neighboring countries and offenses against the general interest. For not having assured protection we have incurred heavy responsibilities.

You people who in ordinary times nourish yourselves and live from the products of this land, and who have all been loaded with the Empire’s favors—you have, however, dared to incite these bandits with the desire to fight, to teach methods for casting spells, and to devote themselves to false practices. You have rashly resisted your officials, whom you have massacred; you have assassinated foreigners, and then you have been the cause of unprecedented calamities, which above all else have plunged your Sovereign and your fathers in grief.

We can not think of what has been done without feeling a still deeper resentment. We have already formally ordered the Commanders in chief of all the regions to use their most strenuous efforts to destroy these societies. It is incumbent that the root of the evil be suppressed, and the Princes and Ministers who have lent their support to the Boxers shall suffer the heaviest penalties according to their crimes, and in [Page 332] order to inspire fear, all civil and military examinations shall be suspended during five years in all cities where foreigners were massacred or suffered cruel treatment.

Fearing lest the ignorant rural populations may not hear (of these punishments), new and severe prohibitions shall be specially made in order to avoid the execution of people who have not been notified.

You, soldiers and people, should know that it is formally forbidden by law to organize or belong to secret societies. Our ancestors have never shown the slightest indulgence in the repression of societies of malefactors.

Moreover, the foreign Powers are all friendly countries, the Christians are children of our blood whom the Court regards with a same kindness, and It could not allow different sentiments to be displayed towards them. All Chinese, whether Christians or not, who may be illtreated, should complain to the authorities and wait until a fair and equitable judgment is rendered. How can you lightly believe all the rumors which have been spread? How can you disregard the penal laws?

Then, when all is lost, the clever ones save themselves by flight and the innocent are put to death. The law is slow to pardon, and all that has happened is really very regrettable. From the publication of this present edict, each one must reform and repent him of the teaching he has received.

If hardened and incorrigible malefactors should again secretly organize antiforeign societies, they shall be punished by death, as well as those belonging to these societies. They shall not be shown the slightest mercy.

The Tartar Generals, Governors-general, Governors, and High provincial Authorities whose duty it is to direct the population, should give explicit instructions to their subordinates to publish severe proclamations and to have the present edict printed on yellow paper, which shall be posted in all parts of the Empire. It is important that all families be notified, and urged to good conduct, and that all be informed that the will of the Court is that everyone should thoroughly understand that punishments will be meted out, in order to avoid the necessity of inflicting other punishments.

Let this edict be made known to all in the Empire.

Respect this!

Correct copy:
  • A. d’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.

Annex No. 16.

IMPERIAL EDICT of December 24, 1901 (Translation).

It has been stipulated in the treaties concluded between China and the Foreign Powers that the citizens of these Powers shall be allowed to penetrate into the interior.

The Court, in order to assure and maintain relations with other countries, has already published decrees ordering that most sincere efforts be made in the provinces to assure protection. Nevertheless, [Page 333] the local authorities having gradually grown lax (in the exercise of their duties), malefactors have caused trouble, and attacks have been directed against foreigners. Similar incidents have repeatedly occurred.

We realize that our ability was too limited to reform the ignorant people, and consequently we have made very grievous mistakes. In ordinary times, not one of the local officials has been able to make understood European affairs, and none have comprehended the importance of foreign relations. Consequently the conflagration spread everywhere, threatening the Empire, and, if they reflect, they will find they have cause for uneasiness.

Henceforth each one of you must strive to overcome his resentment and to lay aside his prejudices. You should know that the maintenance of friendly relations with foreign countries has in all times been a fundamental law. People coming to China from afar, whether as merchants to exchange their products, or as travelers to increase their scientific knowledge, or yet as missionaries to preach religion with the object of exhorting the people to do good, have crossed mountains and seas at the risk of great fatigue.

Since China passes for a civilized country, it should practice the duties of a host toward its guests. Moreover, the Chinese who have gone abroad in recent years number at least several hundreds of thousands. The safety of their persons and property depends upon the guaranty assured them by the Powers, who have given them their protection. How could we continue to treat their citizens differently?

We again command all the responsible High civil and military Authorities of all the provinces to order their subordinates to protect, in the most efficacious manner, the agents and nationals of the foreign Powers who may enter within their districts. In case daring malefactors should urge to illtreat and massacre foreigners, order must be restored immediately and the guilty parties arrested and punished without delay. No delay should occur. If, owing to indifference, or rather of voluntary tolerance, great calamities take place, or if treaties should be violated and no immediate steps taken to make reparation or inflict punishment, the Governors-general, Governors, and the provincial or ocal Officials responsible will be removed and shall not be reappointed to other offices in other provinces, or hope to be reinstated or receive any further honors.

The present decree must be printed and published to warn the officials and put an end to all shameful customs.

Respect this!

Correct copy:
  • A. d’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach

Annex No. 17.

Regulations for the improvement of the course of the Whangpu.

A River Conservancy Board is established at Shanghai for the Whangpu river.
The Board shall have the twofold duty of acting as agent for the straightening and improvement of the river, and as controlling agent.
The jurisdiction of the Board shall extend from a line drawn from the lower limit of the Kiang-nan Arsenal towards the mouth of Arsenal Creek, to the red buoy in the Yangtze.
The Board shall consist of: (a) The Taotai; (b) the Commissioner of Customs; (c) two members elected by the Consular Body; (d) two members of the General Chamber of Commerce of Shanghai, elected by the committee of the said Chamber; (e) two members representing shipping interests, elected by shipping companies, commercial firms, and the merchants the total of whose entrances and clearances at Shanghai, Woosung, and other ports on the Whangpu exceeds 50,000 tons per annum; (f) a member of the municipal Council of the International Settlement; (g) a member of the municipal Council of the French Concession, and (h) a representative of each country the total tonnage of whose ships entering and clearing at Shanghai and any other port of the Whangpu exceeds two hundred thousand tons a year.
The ex officio members shall hold office as long as they fill the position by virtue of which they sit on the Board.
The representatives of the municipal Councils and of the Chamber of Commerce shall be elected for a period of one year. They may be immediately reelected.
The term of office of the members to be designated by the Governments (provided under paragraph h) shall also be one year.
The term of the other members is for three years. They may be immediately reelected.
In case of a vacancy during a term, the successor of the outgoing member shall be designated for one year or for three years, according to the class to which he belongs.
The Board shall elect its Chairman and Vice-Chairman from amongst its members for a term of one year. If there is no majority at the election of Chairman, the Senior Consul shall be requested to give a casting vote.
In case of the absence of the Chairman the Vice-Chairman shall take his place. If both of them are absent the members shall choose amongst themselves a President for the occasion.
In all meetings of the Board, if votes are equally divided, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
Four members form a quorum.
The Board shall appoint the officials and employees deemed necessary for carrying out the works and enforcing its regulations; it shall fix their salaries, wages, and gratuities, and shall pay them out of the funds placed at its disposal, and it may make regulations and take every measure necessary concerning its staff, which it can dismiss at pleasure.
The Board shall decide on the necessary steps for the regulation of traffic, including the placing of moorings in the river and the berthing of vessels within the limits indicated in Article III, and on all water courses (such as the Soochow Creek and others) passing through the French Concession or the International Settlement at Shanghai and the foreign quarter at Woosung, as well as on all the other creeks emptying into the river, for a distance of 2 English miles above their mouths.
The Board shall have power to expropriate the private moorings and to establish a system of public moorings in the river.
The authorization of the Board shall be necessary to carry out [Page 335] any dredging, to build bunds, to construct jetties, or to place pontoons and hulks in the section of the river mentioned in Article XIII. The Board may, at its discretion, refuse such authorization.
The Board shall have full power to remove all obstacles in the river, or the above-mentioned creeks, and to recover, if necessary, the cost of so doing from those responsible.
The Board shall have control of all floating lights, buoys, beacons, landmarks, and light signals within the section of the river and within the creeks mentioned in Article XIII, as well as over such marks on the shore as may be necessary for the safe navigation of the river, with the exception of light-houses, which shall remain subject to Article XXXII of the treaty of 1858 between Great Britain and China.
The improvement and conservancy works of the Whangpu shall be entirely under the technical control of the Board, even should the carrying out of them necessitate works beyond the limits of its jurisdiction. In this case the necessary orders will be transmitted by and the work will be done with the consent of the Chinese authorities.
The Board shall receive and disburse all the funds collected for the works and take, in conjunction with the competent authorities, all proper and efficacious measures to ensure the collection of the taxes and the enforcement of the regulations.
The Board shall appoint the Harbour Master and his staff. This department shall act, within the limits of the powers assigned to the board, in the section of the river indicated in Article XIII.
The Board shall have authority to organize a police and watch service to ensure the execution of its regulations and orders.
The Board shall have the direction and control of the Shanghai (Lower Yangtze) pilot service. Licenses for pilots for ships bound for Shanghai shall only be issued by the Board and at its discretion.
In case of infractions of its regulations, the Board shall sue offenders in the following way: Foreigners, before their respective consuls or competent judicial authority; Chinese or foreigners whose Governments are not represented in China, in the mixed Court, in the presence of a foreign assessor.
All suits against the Board shall be brought before the Court of Consuls at Shanghai. The Board shall be represented in suits by its secretary.
Members of the Board and persons employed by it shall not incur any personal responsibility for the votes and acts of the Board, for contracts made or expenses incurred by the said body, when the said votes, acts, contracts, and expenses concern the carrying out or the enforcement, under the authority or by order of the Board or of one of its branches, of the regulations enacted by said body.
Besides the provisions mentioned in Article XIII o thef present annex, the Board shall have power to enact, within the limits of its competency, all necessary ordinances and regulations, and to fix fines for the violation thereof.
The ordinances and regulations mentioned in Article XXVI shall be submitted for the approbation of the Consular Body. If two months after presenting the draft of the proposed ordinances and regulations the Consular Body has made no objection or suggested no modification, it shall be considered as approved and shall come into force.
The Board shall have power to acquire by purchase the lands necessary for carrying out the works of improvement and conservancy of the Whangpu and to dispose of them.
If, for this purpose, it shall be deemed necessary to expropriate land, the rules laid down in Article VI (a) of “The Land Regulations for the Foreign Settlement of Shanghai North of the Yang-king-pang” shall be followed. The price shall be fixed by a Committee consisting of, first, a person chosen by the authority to whose jurisdiction the owner is subject; second, one chosen by the Board, and, third, one chosen by the Dean of the Consular Corps.
Riparian owners shall have the refusal of all land made in front of their properties by the reclamation carried out for the improvement of the waterways in question. The purchase price of these lands shall be fixed by a Committee composed in the same manner as provided for in Article XXVIII.
The revenues of the Board are to be derived from—
An annual tax of one-tenth of 1 per cent (0.1 per cent) on the assessed value of all lands and houses in the French Concession and the International Settlement.
A tax of equal amount on all property with water frontage on the Whangpu, from a line drawn from the lower limit of the Kiang-nan Arsenal toward the mouth of Arsenal Creek to the place where the Whangpu empties into the Yangtze. The assessed value of this property shall be fixed by the Committee mentioned in Article XXVIII.
A tax of five candereens per ton on all ships of non-Chinese type and of a tonnage superior to 150 tons entering or leaving the port of Shanghai, Woosung, or any other port on the Whangpu.
Ships of non-Chinese type of 150 tons and under shall pay a quarter of the above-mentioned tax. These taxes shall only be leviable on each ship once every four months, irrespective of the number of its entrances and clearances.
Foreign-built ships navigating the Yangtze and only stopping at Woosung to take their river papers shall be exempted from the taxes above mentioned, on condition that on their way up or down they shall not carry on any commercial transactions at Woosung. They shall, however, be allowed to take on water and supplies at Woosung.
A tax of one-tenth of 1 per centum (0.1 per cent) on all merchandise passing through the customs at Shanghai, Woosung, or any other port on the Whangpu.
An annual contribution from the Chinese Government equal to that supplied by the various foreign interests.
The collection of the taxes enumerated in Article XXX shall be made through the medium of the following authorities:
  • Tax a, by the respective Municipalities.
  • Tax b, to be collected from persons under the jurisdiction of Governments represented in China by their respective Consuls; the taxes to be collected from Chinese or from persons whose Governments are not represented in China by the Taotai.
  • Taxes c and d, by the Imperial Maritime Customs.
Should the total annual revenues of the Board not be sufficient for the payment of interest and the amortization of the capital to be borrowed for carrying out the works, for keeping up the completed works, and for the service in general, the Board shall have the power to increase in the same proportion the various taxes on shipping, [Page 337] on land and houses, and on trade, to a figure sufficient to supply its recognized needs. This eventual increase would apply in the same proportion to the contribution of the Chinese Government mentioned in paragraph e of Article XXX.
The Board shall give notice to the Superintendent of Southern Trade and to the Consular Body of the necessity for the increase referred to in Article XXXII. Such increase shall only come into force after its approval by the Consular Body at Shanghai.
The Board shall submit to the Superintendent of Southern Trade and to the Consular Body at Shanghai, within six months after the closing of each financial year, its annual accounts, accompanied by a detailed report on the general management and the receipts and expenditures during the preceding twelve months. This report shall be published.
If the exact and published accounts of receipts and expenditures show a balance of receipts over expenses, the taxes mentioned in Article XXX shall be proportionately reduced by the Board and the Consular Body at Shanghai acting conjointly. The eventual reduction shall apply in the same proportion to the contribution of the Chinese Government referred to in paragraph e of Article XXX.
At the expiration of the first term of three years the signatories shall examine conjointly whether the provisions contained in the present annex require revision. A new revision can take place every three years under the same conditions.
The regulations of the Board within the limits provided for in Article XIII, and subject to the approbation of the Consular Body at Shanghai, shall be binding on all foreigners.

Correct copy.
  • A. d’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.

Annex No. 18.

IMPERIAL EDICT of the 24th July, 1901 (Translation).

The 9th day of the 6th moon the Grand Chancellery received the following Edict:

“The creation of offices and the determination of their duties has until now been regulated by the requirements of the times. Now, at the present time, when a new treaty of peace is concluded, international affairs take the first place among important business, and it is more than ever necessary to have recourse to competent men to devote themselves to all that relates to establishing friendly relations and confidence in speech.

“The Office of Foreign Affairs, formerly created to treat international questions, has been in existence, it is true, for years, but, in view of the Princes and Ministers composing it only discharging for the most part their functions accessorily with others, they could not devote themselves to them exclusively. It is naturally, therefore, [Page 338] proper to create special functions, so that each one may have his particular attributions.

“We command, in consequence, that the Office of Foreign Affairs (Tsung-li ko kuo shih-wu ya-men) be changed into a Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Wai-wu Pu) and take rank before the six Ministries. And we designate Yi-K’uang, Prince Ch’ing of the first rank, as President of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Wang Wen-shao, Grand Secretary of State of the Ti-jen Ko, is appointed Assistant-President of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ch’u Hung-chi, President of the Board of Works, is transferred with the same rank to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which he is appointed Assistant-President. Hsü Shou-p’eng, Director of the Imperial Stud, and Lien-fang, Expectant Metropolitan Subdirector of the third or fourth rank, are appointed first and second Directors (or Assistant Secretaries).

“As regards the fixing of the personnel, the rules to be followed in its choice, the salaries to be given the Ministers, Directors, and other Agents, We command the Councilors of State to come to an agreement with the Board of Civil Office and to promptly submit to Us their conclusions in a report.

“Respect this.”

Correct copy.
  • A. D’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.

Annex No. 19.

MEMORANDUM on the ceremonial to be followed in solemn audiences.

1°. Solemn audiences to be given by His Majesty the Emperor of China to the Diplomatic Body or to Representatives of the Powers separately shall take place in the palace hall called “Ch’ien-ch’ing Kung.”

2°. In going to or coming back from these solemn audiences the Representatives of the Powers shall be carried in their sedan chairs as far as outside of the Ching-yun gate. At the Ching-yun gate they will get out of the sedan chair in which they have come and will be carried in a little chair (i chiao) as far as the foot of the steps of the Ch’ien-ch’ing gate.

On arriving at the Ch’ien-ch’ing gate the Representatives of the Powers shall get out of their chairs, and shall proceed on foot into the presence of His Majesty in the Ch’ien-ch’ing Kung hall.

When departing the Representatives of the Powers shall return to their residences in the same manner as that in which they arrived.

3°. When a Representative of a Power shall have occasion to present to His Majesty the Emperor his letters of credence or a communication from the Head of the State by whom he is accredited, the Emperor shall cause to be sent to the residence of said Representative, to bear him to the Palace, a sedan chair with yellow trimmings and tassels, such as are used by the Princes of the Imperial family. The said Representative shall be taken back to his residence in the same manner. An escort of troops shall likewise be sent to the residence of said Representative to accompany him going and returning.

[Page 339]

4°. When presenting his letters of credence or communication from the Head of the State by whom he is accredited, the Diplomatic Agent, while bearing said letters or communications, shall pass by the central openings of the Palace doors until he has arrived in the presence of His Majesty. On returning from these audiences he will comply, as regards the doors by which he may have to pass, with the usages already established at the Court of Peking for audiences given to Foreign Representatives.

5°. The Emperor shall receive directly into his hands the letters and communications above mentioned which the Foreign Representatives may have to hand to him.

6°. If His Majesty should decide upon inviting to a banquet the Representatives of the Powers it is well understood that this banquet shall be given in one of the halls of the Imperial Palace and that His Majesty shall be present in person.

7°. In brief, the ceremonial adopted by China as regards Foreign Representatives shall, in no case, be different from that which results from perfect equality between the Countries concerned and China, and without any loss of prestige on one side or the other.

Correct copy.
  • A. D’Anthouard.
  • B. Kroupensky.
  • Reginald Tower.
  • G. Bohlen-Halbach.
  1. Note.—For annexes see translation of Final Protocol. The original protocol is in French and Chinese in parallel columns, the French on the left side.
  2. Note.—For annexes see translation of Final Protocol. The original protocol is in French and Chinese in parallel columns, the French on the left side.